#!/bin/bash set -e source common/ui.sh if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "You should run this script as root (sudo)." exit 1 fi export NO_COLOR='\033[0m' export OK_COLOR='\033[32;01m' export ERROR_COLOR='\033[31;01m' export WARN_COLOR='\033[33;01m' export DISTRIBUTION="ubuntu" export RELEASE=$1 export ARCH=$2 export CONTAINER=$3 export PACKAGE=$4 export ROOTFS="/var/lib/lxc/${CONTAINER}/rootfs" export WORKING_DIR="/tmp/${CONTAINER}" export NOW=$(date -u) if [ -f ${PACKAGE} ]; then warn "The box '${PACKAGE}' already exists, skipping..." echo exit fi debug "Creating ${WORKING_DIR}" mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIR} info "Building box to '${PACKAGE}'..." ./common/download.sh ubuntu ${RELEASE} ${ARCH} ${CONTAINER} ./common/prepare-vagrant-user.sh ${CONTAINER} ./debian/install-extras.sh ${CONTAINER} ./debian/clean.sh ${CONTAINER} ./common/package.sh ${CONTAINER} ${PACKAGE} info "Finished building '${PACKAGE}'!" log "Run \`sudo lxc-destroy -n ${CONTAINER}\` to remove the container that was created along the way" echo