module Vagrant module LXC module Action class GcPrivateNetworkBridges def initialize(app, env) @app = app end def call(env) was_running = env[:machine] == :running # Continue execution, we need the container to be stopped was_running = was_running && env[:machine] != :running if was_running && private_network_configured?(env[:machine].config) private_network_configured?(env[:machine].config) remove_bridges_that_are_not_in_use(env) end end def private_network_configured?(config) config.vm.networks.find do |type, _| type.to_sym == :private_network end end def remove_bridges_that_are_not_in_use(env) env[:machine].config.vm.networks.find do |type, config| next if type.to_sym != :private_network bridge = config.fetch(:lxc__bridge_name) driver = env[:machine].provider.driver if ! driver.bridge_is_in_use?(bridge) env[:ui].info I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.remove_bridge", name: bridge) # TODO: Output that bridge is being removed driver.remove_bridge(bridge) end end end end end end end