require 'acceptance_helper' class TestUI < Vagrant::UI::Interface attr_reader :messages METHODS = [:clear_line, :report_progress, :warn, :error, :info, :success] def initialize(resource = nil) super @messages = METHODS.each_with_object({}) { |m, h| h[m] = [] } end def ask(*args) super # Automated tests should not depend on user input, obviously. raise Errors::UIExpectsTTY end METHODS.each do |method| define_method(method) do |message, *opts| @messages[method].push message end end end # Monkey patch vagrant in order to reuse the UI test object that is set on # our Vagrant::Environments # # TODO: Find out if this makes sense to be on vagrant core itself require 'vagrant/machine' Vagrant::Machine.class_eval do alias :old_action :action define_method :action do |name, extra_env = nil| extra_env = { ui: @env.ui }.merge(extra_env || {}) old_action name, extra_env end end describe 'Sanity check' do context 'running a `vagrant up` from scratch' do before(:all) do destroy_container vagrant_up end it 'creates a the container' it 'starts the newly created container' it 'mounts shared folders with the right permissions' it 'provisions the container based on Vagrantfile configs' it 'forwards configured ports' it "is able to be SSH'ed" end context '`vagrant halt` on a running container' do before(:all) do destroy_container vagrant_up vagrant_halt end it 'shuts down container' it 'clears forwarded ports' end context '`vagrant destroy`' do before(:all) do destroy_container vagrant_up vagrant_destroy end it 'destroys the underlying container' end def destroy_container `sudo lxc-shutdown -n \`cat /vagrant/spec/.vagrant/machines/default/lxc/id\`` `sudo lxc-wait -n \`cat /vagrant/spec/.vagrant/machines/default/lxc/id\` --state STOPPED` `sudo lxc-destroy -n \`cat /vagrant/spec/.vagrant/machines/default/lxc/id\`` end def vagrant_up opts = { cwd: 'spec' } env = env.cli('up', '--provider', 'lxc') env.unload end def vagrant_halt opts = { cwd: 'spec' } env = env.cli('halt') env.unload end def vagrant_destroy opts = { cwd: 'spec' } env = env.cli('destroy', '-f') env.unload end def vagrant_ssh(cmd) opts = { cwd: 'spec', ui_class: TestUI } env = result = env.cli('ssh', '-c', cmd) if result.to_i != 0 raise "SSH command failed: '#{cmd}'\n#{env.ui.messages.inspect}" end output = env.ui.messages[:info].join("\n").chomp env.unload output end end