require 'vagrant-lxc/action/boot' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/clear_forwarded_ports' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/create' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/destroy' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/destroy_confirm' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/compress_rootfs' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/fetch_ip_with_lxc_info' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/forced_halt' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/forward_ports' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/gc_private_network_bridges' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/handle_box_metadata' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/prepare_nfs_settings' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/prepare_nfs_valid_ids' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/private_networks' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/setup_package_files' require 'vagrant-lxc/action/warn_networks' module Vagrant module LXC module Action # Shortcuts Builtin = Vagrant::Action::Builtin Builder = Vagrant::Action::Builder # This action is responsible for reloading the machine, which # brings it down, sucks in new configuration, and brings the # machine back up with the new configuration. def self.action_reload do |b| b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env1, b2| if env1[:result] b2.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_created") next end b2.use Builtin::ConfigValidate b2.use action_halt b2.use action_start end end end # This action boots the VM, assuming the VM is in a state that requires # a bootup (i.e. not saved). def self.action_boot do |b| b.use Builtin::Provision b.use Builtin::EnvSet, :port_collision_repair => true b.use Builtin::HandleForwardedPortCollisions b.use PrepareNFSValidIds b.use Builtin::SyncedFolderCleanup b.use Builtin::SyncedFolders b.use PrepareNFSSettings b.use Builtin::SetHostname b.use WarnNetworks b.use ForwardPorts b.use PrivateNetworks b.use Boot b.use Builtin::WaitForCommunicator end end # This action just runs the provisioners on the machine. def self.action_provision do |b| b.use Builtin::ConfigValidate b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env1, b2| if env1[:result] b2.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_created") next end b2.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :running do |env2, b3| if !env2[:result] b3.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_running") next end b3.use Builtin::Provision end end end end # This action starts a container, assuming it is already created and exists. # A precondition of this action is that the container exists. def self.action_start do |b| b.use Builtin::ConfigValidate b.use Builtin::BoxCheckOutdated b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :running do |env, b2| # If the VM is running, then our work here is done, exit next if env[:result] b2.use action_boot end end end # This action brings the machine up from nothing, including creating the # container, configuring metadata, and booting. def self.action_up do |b| b.use Builtin::ConfigValidate b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env, b2| # If the VM is NOT created yet, then do the setup steps if env[:result] b2.use Builtin::HandleBox b2.use HandleBoxMetadata b2.use Create end end b.use action_start end end # This is the action that is primarily responsible for halting # the virtual machine, gracefully or by force. def self.action_halt do |b| b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env, b2| if env[:result] b2.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_created") next end b2.use ClearForwardedPorts b2.use GcPrivateNetworkBridges b2.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::GracefulHalt, :stopped, :running do |env2, b3| if !env2[:result] b3.use ForcedHalt end end end end end # This is the action that is primarily responsible for completely # freeing the resources of the underlying virtual machine. def self.action_destroy do |b| b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env1, b2| if env1[:result] b2.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_created") next end b2.use Builtin::Call, DestroyConfirm do |env2, b3| if env2[:result] b3.use Builtin::ConfigValidate b3.use Builtin::EnvSet, :force_halt => true b3.use action_halt b3.use Destroy b3.use Builtin::ProvisionerCleanup else b3.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.will_not_destroy") end end end end end # This action packages the virtual machine into a single box file. def self.action_package do |b| b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env1, b2| if env1[:result] b2.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_created") next end b2.use action_halt b2.use CompressRootFS b2.use SetupPackageFiles b2.use Vagrant::Action::General::Package end end end # This action is called to read the IP of the container. The IP found # is expected to be put into the `:machine_ip` key. def self.action_ssh_ip do |b| b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::ConfigValidate do |env, b2| b2.use FetchIpWithLxcInfo end end end # This is the action that will exec into an SSH shell. def self.action_ssh do |b| b.use Builtin::ConfigValidate b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env, b2| if env[:result] b2.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_created") next end b2.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :running do |env1, b3| if !env1[:result] b3.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_running") next end b3.use Builtin::SSHExec end end end end # This is the action that will run a single SSH command. def self.action_ssh_run do |b| b.use Builtin::ConfigValidate b.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :not_created do |env, b2| if env[:result] b2.use Builtin::Message, I18n.t("vagrant_lxc.messages.not_created") next end b2.use Builtin::Call, Builtin::IsState, :running do |env1, b3| if !env1[:result] raise Vagrant::Errors::VMNotRunningError next end b3.use Builtin::SSHRun end end end end end end end