#!/bin/bash # template script for generating ubuntu container for LXC based on released cloud # images # # Copyright © 2012 Serge Hallyn # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # set -e if [ -r /etc/default/lxc ]; then . /etc/default/lxc fi copy_configuration() { path=$1 rootfs=$2 name=$3 arch=$4 release=$5 if [ $arch = "i386" ]; then arch="i686" fi # if there is exactly one veth network entry, make sure it has an # associated hwaddr. nics=`grep -e '^lxc\.network\.type[ \t]*=[ \t]*veth' $path/config | wc -l` if [ $nics -eq 1 ]; then grep -q "^lxc.network.hwaddr" $path/config || cat <> $path/config lxc.network.hwaddr = 00:16:3e:$(openssl rand -hex 3| sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//') EOF fi grep -q "^lxc.rootfs" $path/config 2>/dev/null || echo "lxc.rootfs = $rootfs" >> $path/config cat <> $path/config lxc.utsname = $name lxc.tty = 4 lxc.pts = 1024 lxc.mount = $path/fstab lxc.arch = $arch lxc.cap.drop = sys_module mac_admin lxc.pivotdir = lxc_putold # uncomment the next line to run the container unconfined: #lxc.aa_profile = unconfined lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a # Allow any mknod (but not using the node) lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c *:* m lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = b *:* m # /dev/null and zero lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm # consoles lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm #lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:0 rwm #lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:1 rwm # /dev/{,u}random lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:9 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:8 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 136:* rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:2 rwm # rtc lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 254:0 rwm #fuse lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:229 rwm #tun lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:200 rwm #full lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:7 rwm #hpet lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:228 rwm #kvm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:232 rwm EOF cat < $path/fstab proc proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 sysfs sys sysfs defaults 0 0 EOF # rmdir /dev/shm for containers that have /run/shm # I'm afraid of doing rm -rf $rootfs/dev/shm, in case it did # get bind mounted to the host's /run/shm. So try to rmdir # it, and in case that fails move it out of the way. if [ ! -L $rootfs/dev/shm ] && [ -d $rootfs/run/shm ] && [ -e $rootfs/dev/shm ]; then mv $rootfs/dev/shm $rootfs/dev/shm.bak ln -s /run/shm $rootfs/dev/shm fi return 0 } usage() { cat < ]: Release name of container, defaults to host [ -a | --arch ]: Arhcitecture of container, defaults to host arcitecture [ -C | --cloud ]: Configure container for use with meta-data service, defaults to no [ -T | --tarball ]: Location of tarball [ -d | --debug ]: Run with 'set -x' to debug errors [ -s | --stream]: Use specified stream rather than 'released' Options, mutually exclusive of "-C" and "--cloud": [ -i | --hostid ]: HostID for cloud-init, defaults to random string [ -u | --userdata ]: Cloud-init user-data file to configure container on start [ -S | --auth-key ]: SSH Public key file to inject into container [ -L | --nolocales ]: Do not copy host's locales into container EOF return 0 } options=$(getopt -o a:hp:r:n:Fi:CLS:T:ds:u: -l arch:,help,path:,release:,name:,flush-cache,hostid:,auth-key:,cloud,no_locales,tarball:,debug,stream:,userdata: -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then usage $(basename $0) exit 1 fi eval set -- "$options" release=lucid if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then . /etc/lsb-release case "$DISTRIB_CODENAME" in lucid|natty|oneiric|precise|quantal) release=$DISTRIB_CODENAME ;; esac fi arch=$(arch) # Code taken from debootstrap if [ -x /usr/bin/dpkg ] && /usr/bin/dpkg --print-architecture >/dev/null 2>&1; then arch=`/usr/bin/dpkg --print-architecture` elif type udpkg >/dev/null 2>&1 && udpkg --print-architecture >/dev/null 2>&1; then arch=`/usr/bin/udpkg --print-architecture` else arch=$(arch) if [ "$arch" = "i686" ]; then arch="i386" elif [ "$arch" = "x86_64" ]; then arch="amd64" elif [ "$arch" = "armv7l" ]; then # note: arm images don't exist before oneiric; are called armhf in # precise and later; and are not supported by the query, so we don't actually # support them yet (see check later on). When Query2 is available, # we'll use that to enable arm images. arch="armel" fi fi debug=0 hostarch=$arch cloud=0 locales=1 flushcache=0 stream="released" while true do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage $0 && exit 0;; -p|--path) path=$2; shift 2;; -n|--name) name=$2; shift 2;; -F|--flush-cache) flushcache=1; shift 1;; -r|--release) release=$2; shift 2;; -a|--arch) arch=$2; shift 2;; -i|--hostid) host_id=$2; shift 2;; -u|--userdata) userdata=$2; shift 2;; -C|--cloud) cloud=1; shift 1;; -S|--auth-key) auth_key=$2; shift 2;; -L|--no_locales) locales=0; shift 1;; -T|--tarball) tarball=$2; shift 2;; -d|--debug) debug=1; shift 1;; -s|--stream) stream=$2; shift 2;; --) shift 1; break ;; *) break ;; esac done if [ $debug -eq 1 ]; then set -x fi if [ "$arch" == "i686" ]; then arch=i386 fi if [ $hostarch = "i386" -a $arch = "amd64" ]; then echo "can't create amd64 container on i386" exit 1 fi if [ $arch != "i386" -a $arch != "amd64" ]; then echo "Only i386 and amd64 are supported by the ubuntu cloud template." exit 1 fi if [ "$stream" != "daily" -a "$stream" != "released" ]; then echo "Only 'daily' and 'released' streams are supported" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$userdata" ]; then if [ ! -f "$userdata" ]; then echo "Userdata ($userdata) does not exist" exit 1 else userdata=`readlink -f $userdata` fi fi if [ -n "$auth_key" ]; then if [ ! -f "$auth_key" ]; then echo "--auth-key=${auth_key} must reference a file" exit 1 fi auth_key=$(readlink -f "${auth_key}") || { echo "failed to get full path for auth_key"; exit 1; } fi if [ -z "$path" ]; then echo "'path' parameter is required" exit 1 fi if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script should be run as 'root'" exit 1 fi # detect rootfs config="$path/config" if grep -q '^lxc.rootfs' $config 2>/dev/null ; then rootfs=`grep 'lxc.rootfs =' $config | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` else rootfs=$path/rootfs fi type ubuntu-cloudimg-query type wget # determine the url, tarball, and directory names # download if needed cache="/var/cache/lxc/cloud-$release" mkdir -p $cache if [ -n "$tarball" ]; then url2="$tarball" else url1=`ubuntu-cloudimg-query $release $stream $arch --format "%{url}\n"` url2=`echo $url1 | sed -e 's/.tar.gz/-root\0/'` fi filename=`basename $url2` wgetcleanup() { rm -f $filename } buildcleanup() { cd $rootfs umount -l $cache/$xdir || true rm -rf $cache } # if the release doesn't have a *-rootfs.tar.gz, then create one from the # cloudimg.tar.gz by extracting the .img, mounting it loopback, and creating # a tarball from the mounted image. build_root_tgz() { url=$1 filename=$2 xdir=`mktemp -d -p .` tarname=`basename $url` imgname="$release-*-cloudimg-$arch.img" trap buildcleanup EXIT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM if [ $flushcache -eq 1 -o ! -f $cache/$tarname ]; then rm -f $tarname echo "Downloading cloud image from $url" wget $url || { echo "Couldn't find cloud image $url."; exit 1; } fi echo "Creating new cached cloud image rootfs" tar --wildcards -zxf $tarname $imgname mount -o loop $imgname $xdir (cd $xdir; tar zcf ../$filename .) umount $xdir rm -f $tarname $imgname rmdir $xdir echo "New cloud image cache created" trap EXIT trap SIGHUP trap SIGINT trap SIGTERM } mkdir -p /var/lock/subsys/ ( flock -x 200 cd $cache if [ $flushcache -eq 1 ]; then echo "Clearing the cached images" rm -f $filename fi trap wgetcleanup EXIT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM if [ ! -f $filename ]; then wget $url2 || build_root_tgz $url1 $filename fi trap EXIT trap SIGHUP trap SIGINT trap SIGTERM echo "Extracting container rootfs" mkdir -p $rootfs cd $rootfs tar --numeric-owner -zxf $cache/$filename if [ $cloud -eq 0 ]; then echo "Configuring for running outside of a cloud environment" echo "If you want to configure for a cloud evironment, please use '-- -C' to create the container" seed_d=$rootfs/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net rhostid=$(uuidgen | cut -c -8) host_id=${hostid:-$rhostid} mkdir -p $seed_d cat > "$seed_d/meta-data" <> "$seed_d/meta-data" [ $? -eq 0 ] || { echo "failed to write public keys to metadata"; exit 1; } fi rm $rootfs/etc/hostname if [ $locales -eq 1 ]; then cp /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive $rootfs/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive fi if [ -f "$userdata" ]; then echo "Using custom user-data" cp $userdata $seed_d/user-data else if [ -z "$MIRROR" ]; then MIRROR="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" fi cat > "$seed_d/user-data" </var/lock/subsys/lxc-ubucloud copy_configuration $path $rootfs $name $arch $release echo "Container $name created." exit 0 # vi: ts=4 expandtab