require 'tempfile' module Vagrant module LXC module Command class Sudoers < Vagrant.plugin("2", :command) def initialize(argv, env) super @argv @env = env end def execute options = { user: ENV['USER'] } opts = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: vagrant lxc sudoers" opts.separator "" opts.on('-u user', '--user user', String, "The user for which to create the policy (defaults to '#{options[:user]}')") do |u| options[:user] = u end end argv = parse_options(opts) return unless argv wrapper_path = Vagrant::LXC.sudo_wrapper_path wrapper = create_wrapper! sudoers = create_sudoers!(options[:user], wrapper_path) su_copy([ {source: wrapper, target: wrapper_path, mode: "0555"}, {source: sudoers, target: sudoers_path, mode: "0440"} ]) end def sudoers_path "/etc/sudoers.d/vagrant-lxc-#{Vagrant::LXC::VERSION.gsub( /\./, '-')}" end private # REFACTOR: Make use ERB rendering after # lands into core def create_wrapper! wrapper ='lxc-wrapper').tap do |file| file.puts "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" file.puts "# Automatically created by vagrant-lxc" file.puts <<-EOF class Whitelist class << self def add(command, *args) list[command] << args end def list @list ||= do |key, hsh| key[hsh] = [] end end def allowed(command) list[command] || [] end def run!(argv) begin command, args = `which \#{argv.shift}`.chomp, argv || [] check!(command, args) puts `\#{command} \#{args.join(" ")}` exit $?.to_i rescue => e STDERR.puts e.message exit 1 end end private def check!(command, args) allowed(command).each do |checks| return if valid_args?(args, checks) end raise_invalid(command, args) end def valid_args?(args, checks) return false unless valid_length?(args, checks) check = nil args.each_with_index do |provided, i| check = checks[i] unless check == '**' return false unless match?(provided, check) end true end def valid_length?(args, checks) args.length == checks.length || checks.last == '**' end def match?(arg, check) check == '**' || check.is_a?(Regexp) && !!check.match(arg) || arg == check end def raise_invalid(command, args) raise "Invalid arguments for command \#{command}, " << "provided args: \#{args.inspect}" end end end base = "/var/lib/lxc" base_path = %r{\\A\#{base}/.*\\z} templates_path = %r{\\A/usr/(share|lib|lib64|local/lib)/lxc/templates/.*\\z} ## # Commands from provider.rb # - Check lxc is installed Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/which', /\\Alxc-\\w+\\z/ ## # Commands from driver.rb # - Container config file Whitelist.add '/bin/cat', base_path # - Shared folders Whitelist.add '/bin/mkdir', '-p', base_path # - Container config customizations and pruning Whitelist.add '/bin/cp', '-f', %r{/tmp/.*}, base_path Whitelist.add '/bin/chown', 'root:root', base_path # - Template import Whitelist.add '/bin/cp', %r{\\A.*\\z}, templates_path Whitelist.add '/bin/cp', %r{\\A.*\\z}, templates_path Whitelist.add '/bin/cp', %r{\\A.*\\z}, templates_path Whitelist.add '/bin/chmod', '+x', templates_path # - Template removal Whitelist.add '/bin/rm', templates_path # - Packaging Whitelist.add '/bin/tar', '--numeric-owner', '-cvzf', %r{/tmp/.*/rootfs.tar.gz}, '-C', base_path, './rootfs' Whitelist.add '/bin/chown', /\\A\\d+:\\d+\\z/, %r{\\A/tmp/.*/rootfs\.tar\.gz\\z} ## # Commands from driver/cli.rb Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-version' Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-ls' Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-info', '--name', /.*/ Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-create', '--template', /.*/, '--name', /.*/, '**' Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-destroy', '--name', /.*/ Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-start', '-d', '--name', /.*/, '**' Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-stop', '--name', /.*/ Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-shutdown', '--name', /.*/ Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-attach', '--name', /.*/, '**' Whitelist.add '/usr/bin/lxc-attach', '-h' ## # Commands from driver/action/remove_temporary_files.rb Whitelist.add '/bin/rm', '-rf', %r{\\A\#{base}/.*/rootfs/tmp/.*} # Watch out for stones!(ARGV) EOF end wrapper.close wrapper.path end # REFACTOR: Make use ERB rendering after # lands into core def create_sudoers!(user, command) sudoers ='vagrant-lxc-sudoers').tap do |file| file.puts "# Automatically created by vagrant-lxc" file.puts "Cmnd_Alias LXC = #{command}" file.puts "#{user} ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: LXC" end sudoers.close sudoers.path end def su_copy(files) commands = { |file| [ "rm -f #{file[:target]}", "cp #{file[:source]} #{file[:target]}", "chown root:root #{file[:target]}", "chmod #{file[:mode]} #{file[:target]}" ] }.flatten system "echo \"#{commands.join("; ")}\" | sudo sh" end end end end end