require "vagrant/util/retryable" require "vagrant/util/subprocess" require "vagrant-lxc/errors" module Vagrant module LXC class Driver class CLI attr_accessor :name class TransitionBlockNotProvided < RuntimeError; end class ShutdownNotSupported < RuntimeError; end class TargetStateNotReached < RuntimeError def initialize(target_state, state) msg = "Target state '#{target_state}' not reached, currently on '#{state}'" super(msg) end end def initialize(sudo_wrapper, name = nil) @sudo_wrapper = sudo_wrapper @name = name @logger ="vagrant::provider::lxc::container::cli") end def list run(:ls).split(/\s+/).uniq end def version if run(:version) =~ /lxc version:\s+(.+)\s*$/ $1.downcase else # TODO: Raise an user friendly error raise 'Unable to parse lxc version!' end end def state if @name && run(:info, '--name', @name, retryable: true) =~ /^state:[^A-Z]+([A-Z]+)$/i $1.downcase.to_sym elsif @name :unknown end end def create(template, backingstore, backingstore_options, config_file, template_opts = {}) if config_file config_opts = ['-f', config_file] end extra = template_opts.to_a.flatten extra.unshift '--' unless extra.empty? run :create, '-B', backingstore, *(backingstore_options.to_a.flatten), '--template', template, '--name', @name, *(config_opts), *extra rescue Errors::ExecuteError => e if e.stderr =~ /already exists/i raise Errors::ContainerAlreadyExists, name: @name else raise end end def destroy run :destroy, '--name', @name end def start(options = []) run :start, '-d', '--name', @name, *Array(options) end def stop attach '/sbin/halt' run :stop, '--name', @name end def shutdown if system('which lxc-shutdown > /dev/null') run :shutdown, '--name', @name else # REFACTOR: Do not use exception to control the flow raise ShutdownNotSupported end end def attach(*cmd) cmd = ['--'] + cmd if cmd.last.is_a?(Hash) opts = cmd.pop namespaces = Array(opts[:namespaces]).map(&:upcase).join('|') if namespaces if supports_attach_with_namespaces? extra = ['--namespaces', namespaces] else raise LXC::Errors::NamespacesNotSupported end end end run :attach, '--name', @name, *((extra || []) + cmd) end def transition_to(target_state, tries = 30, timeout = 1, &block) raise TransitionBlockNotProvided unless block_given? yield self while (last_state = self.state) != target_state && tries > 0 @logger.debug "Target state '#{target_state}' not reached, currently on '#{last_state}'" sleep timeout tries -= 1 end unless last_state == target_state # TODO: Raise an user friendly message raise target_state, last_state end end private def run(command, *args)"lxc-#{command}", *args) end def supports_attach_with_namespaces? unless defined?(@supports_attach_with_namespaces) @supports_attach_with_namespaces = run(:attach, '-h', :show_stderr => true).values.join.include?('--namespaces') end return @supports_attach_with_namespaces end end end end end