module Vagrant module LXC module Action class PrivateNetworks def initialize(app, env) @app = app end def call(env) if private_network_configured?(env[:machine].config) configure_private_networks(env) end end def private_network_configured?(config) config.vm.networks.find do |type, _| type.to_sym == :private_network end end def configure_private_networks(env) env[:machine].config.vm.networks.find do |type, config| next if type.to_sym != :private_network container_name = env[:machine].provider.driver.container_name ip = config[:ip] bridge_ip = config.fetch(:lxc__bridge_ip) { build_bridge_ip(ip) } bridge = config.fetch(:lxc__bridge_name) # { build_bridge_name(config.fetch(:lxc__bridge_prefix, 'br'), bridge_ip) } # TODO: ensure_ip_is_not_in_use! configure_single_network(bridge, bridge_ip, container_name, ip) end end def configure_single_network(bridge, bridge_ip, container_name, ip) cmd = [ 'sudo', Vagrant::LXC.source_root.join('scripts/private-network').to_s, bridge, container_name, "#{ip}/24" ] execute(cmd) # TODO: Run only if bridge is not up and move it to the private network script cmd = [ 'sudo', 'ip', 'addr', 'add', "#{bridge_ip}/24", 'dev', bridge ] execute(cmd) end def execute(cmd) puts cmd.join(' ') system cmd.join(' ') end def build_bridge_ip(ip) ip.sub(/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+/, '\1.254') end def bridge_name(prefix, bridge_ip) # if a bridge with the provided ip and prefix exist, get its name and return it # if no bridges can be found, grab the max bridge number, increment it and return the new name 'br3' end end end end end