require 'pathname' require 'rake/tasklib' class BuildGenericBoxTaskV2 < ::Rake::TaskLib include ::Rake::DSL attr_reader :name def initialize(name, distrib, release, arch, opts = {}) @name = name @distrib = distrib @release = release.to_s @arch = arch.to_s @install_chef = opts.fetch(:chef, true) @install_puppet = opts.fetch(:puppet, true) @install_babushka = opts.fetch(:babushka, true) @file = opts[:file] || default_box_file @scripts_path = Pathname(Dir.pwd).join('boxes') desc "Build an #{distrib.upcase} #{release} #{arch} box" unless ::Rake.application.last_comment task name do RakeFileUtils.send(:verbose, true) do build end end end def default_box_file require 'time' "lxc-#{@release}-#{@arch}-#{}.box" end def run(script_name, *args) unless (script = @scripts_path.join(@distrib, script_name)).readable? script = @scripts_path.join('common', script_name) end if script.readable? sh "sudo #{script} #{args.join(' ')}" else STDERR.puts "cannot execute #{install_path} (not found?)" exit 1 end end def build check_if_box_has_been_built! FileUtils.mkdir_p 'boxes/temp' unless File.exist? 'base/temp' check_for_partially_built_box! pwd = Dir.pwd sh 'mkdir -p boxes/temp/' Dir.chdir 'boxes/temp' do download install_cfg_engines prepare_package_contents pwd sh 'sudo rm -rf rootfs' sh "tar -czf ./*" end sh 'mkdir -p boxes/output' sh "cp boxes/temp/ boxes/output/#{@file}" sh "rm -rf boxes/temp" end def check_if_box_has_been_built! return unless File.exists?("./boxes/output/#{@file}") puts 'Box has been built already!' exit 1 end def check_for_partially_built_box! return unless Dir.entries('boxes/temp').size > 2 puts 'There is a partially built box under ' + File.expand_path('./boxes/temp') + ', please remove it before building a new box' exit 1 end def download run 'download', @arch, @release end def install_cfg_engines [ :puppet, :chef, :babushka ].each do |cfg_engine| next unless instance_variable_get :"@install_#{cfg_engine}" script_name = "install-#{cfg_engine}" run script_name end end def prepare_package_contents(pwd) run 'cleanup' sh 'sudo rm -f rootfs.tar.gz' sh 'sudo tar --numeric-owner -czf rootfs.tar.gz ./rootfs/*' sh "sudo chown #{ENV['USER']}:#{`id -gn`.strip} rootfs.tar.gz" sh "cp #{pwd}/boxes/#{@distrib}/lxc-template ." compile_metadata(pwd) end def compile_metadata(pwd) metadata ="#{pwd}/boxes/#{@distrib}/metadata.json.template") metadata.gsub!('ARCH', @arch) metadata.gsub!('RELEASE', @release)'metadata.json', 'w') { |f| f.print metadata } end end class BuildDebianBoxTaskV2 < BuildGenericBoxTaskV2 def initialize(name, release, arch, opts = {}) super(name, 'debian', release, arch, opts) end end class BuildUbuntuBoxTaskV2 < BuildGenericBoxTaskV2 def initialize(name, release, arch, opts = {}) super(name, 'ubuntu', release, arch, opts) end end chef = ENV['CHEF'] == '1' puppet = ENV['PUPPET'] == '1' babushka = ENV['BABUSHKA'] == '1' namespace :boxes do namespace :v2 do namespace :ubuntu do namespace :build do desc 'Build an Ubuntu Precise 64 bits box' BuildUbuntuBoxTaskV2. new(:precise64, :precise, 'amd64', chef: chef, puppet: puppet, babushka: babushka) desc 'Build an Ubuntu Quantal 64 bits box' BuildUbuntuBoxTaskV2. new(:quantal64, :quantal, 'amd64', chef: chef, puppet: puppet, babushka: babushka) # FIXME: Find out how to install chef on raring desc 'Build an Ubuntu Raring 64 bits box' BuildUbuntuBoxTaskV2. new(:raring64, :raring, 'amd64', chef: false, puppet: puppet, babushka: babushka) desc 'Build all Ubuntu boxes' task :all => %w( precise64 quantal64 raring64 ) end end # FIXME: Find out how to install chef on debian boxes namespace :debian do namespace :build do desc 'Build an Debian Squeeze 64 bits box' BuildDebianBoxTaskV2. new(:squeeze64, :squeeze, 'amd64', chef: false, puppet: puppet, babushka: babushka) desc 'Build an Debian Wheezy 64 bits box' BuildDebianBoxTaskV2. new(:wheezy64, :wheezy, 'amd64', chef: false, puppet: puppet, babushka: babushka) desc 'Build an Debian Sid/unstable 64 bits box' BuildDebianBoxTaskV2. new(:sid64, :sid, 'amd64', chef: false, puppet: puppet, babushka: babushka) desc 'Build all Debian boxes' task :all => %w( squeeze64 wheezy64 sid64 ) end end desc 'Build all base boxes for release' task :build_all => %w( ubuntu:build:all debian:build:all ) end end