require 'unit_helper' require "vendored_vagrant" require 'vagrant-lxc/container/cli' describe Vagrant::LXC::Container::CLI do describe 'list' do let(:lxc_ls_out) { "dup-container\na-container dup-container" } let(:exec_args) { @exec_args } let(:result) { @result } before do subject.stub(:run).with(:ls).and_return(lxc_ls_out) @result = subject.list end it 'grabs previously created containers from lxc-ls output' do result.should be_an Enumerable result.should include 'a-container' result.should include 'dup-container' end it 'removes duplicates from lxc-ls output' do result.uniq.should == result end end describe 'create' do let(:template) { 'quantal-64' } let(:name) { 'quantal-container' } let(:template_args) { { '--extra-param' => 'param', '--other' => 'value' } } subject { } before do subject.stub(:run) subject.create(template, template_args) end it 'issues a lxc-create with provided template, container name and hash of arguments' do subject.should have_received(:run).with( :create, '--template', template, '--name', name, '--', '--extra-param', 'param', '--other', 'value' ) end end describe 'destroy' do let(:name) { 'a-container-for-destruction' } subject { } before do subject.stub(:run) subject.destroy end it 'issues a lxc-destroy with container name' do subject.should have_received(:run).with(:destroy, '--name', name) end end describe 'start' do let(:name) { 'a-container' } subject { } before do subject.stub(:run) end it 'starts container on the background' do subject.start subject.should have_received(:run).with( :start, '-d', '--name', name ) end it 'uses provided hash to configure the container' do subject.start(['lxc.config=value', 'lxc.other=value']) subject.should have_received(:run).with(:start, '-d', '--name', name, '-s', 'lxc.config=value', '-s', 'lxc.other=value' ) end end describe 'shutdown' do let(:name) { 'a-running-container' } subject { } before do subject.stub(:run) subject.shutdown end it 'issues a lxc-shutdown with provided container name' do subject.should have_received(:run).with(:shutdown, '--name', name) end end describe 'state' do let(:name) { 'a-container' } subject { } before do subject.stub(:run).and_return("state: STOPPED\npid: 2") end it 'calls lxc-info with the right arguments' do subject.state subject.should have_received(:run).with(:info, '--name', name) end it 'maps the output of lxc-info status out to a symbol' do subject.state.should == :stopped end end describe 'transition block' do let(:name) { 'a-running-container' } subject { } before { subject.stub(:run) } it 'yields cli object' do subject.stub(:shutdown) subject.transition_to(:stopped) { |c| c.shutdown } subject.should have_received(:shutdown) end it 'throws an exception if block is not provided' do expect { subject.transition_to(:running) }.to raise_error(described_class::TransitionBlockNotProvided) end it 'waits for the expected container state using lxc-wait' do subject.transition_to(:running) { } subject.should have_received(:run).with(:wait, '--name', name, '--state', 'RUNNING') end end end