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// demo-specific code - not needed for general use
// refer to bottom for initialisation and soundManager tie-ins, however!
var MPC = function() {
var self = this;
this.idPrefix = 'btn-'; // HTML ID prefix
this.statusWidth = 6;
this.progressWidth = 256;
this.keys = {'1':0,'2':1,'3':2,'4':3,'q':4,'w':5,'e':6,'r':7,'a':8,'s':9,'d':10,'f':11,'z':12,'x':13,'c':14,'v':15}
// scope within these event handler methods: "this" = SMSound() object instance (see SMSound() in soundmanager.js for reference)
this.showProgress = function() {
// sound is loading, update bytes received using this.bytesLoaded / this.bytesTotal
if (self._getButton(this.sID).className != 'loading') self._getButton(this.sID).className = 'loading'; // a bit inefficient here..
this.onid3 = function() {
var oName = null;
for (var oName in this.id3) {
soundManager._writeDebug(oName+': '+this.id3[oName]) // write out name/value ID3 pairs (eg. "artist: Beck")
this.onload = function() {
var sID = this.sID;
self._getButton(this.sID).className = '';
self._getButton(this.sID).title = ('Sound ID: '+this.sID+' ('+this.url+')');
this.onfinish = function() {
self._getButton(this.sID).className = '';
this.onplay = function() {
self._getButton(this.sID).className = 'active';
this.whileplaying = function() {
this._keyHandler = function(e) {
var oEvt = e?e:event;
var sChar = String.fromCharCode(oEvt.keyCode).toLowerCase();
if (typeof self.keys[sChar] != 'undefined') soundManager.play('s'+self.keys[sChar]);
this._showStatus = function(sID,n1,n2) {
var o = self._getButton(sID).getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var offX = (n2>0?(-self.progressWidth+parseInt((n1/n2)*o.offsetWidth)):-self.progressWidth);
o.style.backgroundPosition = offX+'px 0px';
this._getButton = function(sID) {
return document.getElementById(self.idPrefix+sID);
this._reset = function(sID) {
var id = sID;
this.init = function() {
document.onkeydown = self._keyHandler;
var mpc = new MPC();
soundManager.useHTML5Audio = true; // why not.
soundManager.flashVersion = (window.location.toString().match(/#flash8/i)?8:9);
if (soundManager.flashVersion != 8) {
soundManager.useHighPerformance = true;
soundManager.useFastPolling = true;
soundManager.url = '../../swf/'; // path to load SWF from (overriding default)
soundManager.bgcolor = '#333333';
soundManager.wmode = 'transparent';
soundManager.debugMode = false;
soundManager.consoleOnly = false;
soundManager.useFlashBlock = true;
soundManager.onready(function() {
// This is the "onload" equivalent which is called when SoundManager has been initialised (sounds can be created, etc.)
// set up some default options / event handlers - so all sounds created are given these handlers
soundManager.defaultOptions.autoLoad = true;
soundManager.defaultOptions.whileloading = mpc.showProgress;
soundManager.defaultOptions.onid3 = mpc.onid3;
soundManager.defaultOptions.onload = mpc.onload;
soundManager.defaultOptions.onplay = mpc.onplay;
soundManager.defaultOptions.whileplaying = mpc.whileplaying;
soundManager.defaultOptions.onfinish = mpc.onfinish;
if (!soundManager.html5.needsFlash) {
document.getElementById('isHTML5').style.display = 'inline';
for (var i=0; i<soundURLs.length; i++) {
soundManager.createSound('s'+i, 'audio/'+soundURLs[i]+'.mp3');
createSound options can also be set on a per-file basis, with specific option overrides.
(Options not specified here will inherit defaults as defined in soundManager.defaultOptions.)
id: 'mySound',
url: '/path/to/some.mp3',
stream: true,
autoPlay: true,
multiShot: false,
whileloading: function() { alert('sound '+this.sID+': '+this.bytesLoaded+' of '+this.bytesTotal+' bytes loaded.'); } // event handler: "this" is scoped to SMSound() object instance for easy access to methods/properties
- OR -
If you just want a sound with all default options, you can also specify just the required id and URL as string parameters: