<h1><ahref="http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/"title="Play MP3s inline with javascript using SoundManager 2">SoundManager 2</a> / Inline MP3 Player Button</h1>
<h2style="display:inline">Basic MP3 Play Button Examples</h2> (also see <atitle="MP3 Play Button, Basic Example demo"href="basic.html">basic demo</a>.)
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<h3>Inline text, with "play" button</h3>
<p>Example code (link with a <b>sm2_button</b> CSS class):</p>
<pclass="note">Note that the text inside the link is hidden and replaced with an image, but should be descriptive - or at least should say something generic, like "play".</p>
<p><ahref="http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/"title="SoundManager 2 Javascript Sound API">SoundManager 2</a> intercepts clicks to MP3 links and plays them inline. The script assigns additional CSS classes to the links to indicate their state (playing/paused, etc.)</p>
<h3>Static Examples</h3>
<p>CSS classes are dynamically applied as follows:</p>
<li><ahref="#"class="sm2_button"title=""Click to play" state">Default: class="sm2_button"</a> Default: class="sm2_button"</li>
<li><ahref="#"class="sm2_button sm2_playing"title=""Click to pause" state">Playing: class="sm2_button sm2_playing"</a> Playing: class="sm2_button sm2_playing"</li>
<li><ahref="#"class="sm2_button sm2_paused"title=""Click to resume" state">Paused: class="sm2_button sm2_paused"</a> Paused: class="sm2_button sm2_paused"</li>
<h3>Basic CSS</h3>
<p>If you want to make your own UI from scratch, here is the base:</p>
<p>By default, one sound will be played at a time; you can easily change a "config" object value to turn on playlist-like behaviour (i.e., play the next MP3 when the current one finishes.)</p>