SoundManager 2 / 360° Player: JS + Canvas UI

Canvas-based UI. Load progress, seek, play/pause etc. Also see 360° UI visualization demo.

Alternate style: inline

How This Works

The script looks for a container element matching div.ui360, and then the first link inside of it.

<div class="ui360">
 <a href="/path/to/an.mp3">

When the link is clicked, the script adds a UI template to the block, prepending it in front of the MP3 link:

<div class="ui360">
 <-- dynamically-inserted block -->
 <div class="ui">
  <canvas class="sm2-canvas"></canvas>
  <img class="sm2-360btn" /> 
  <div class="sm2-timing"></div>
  <div class="sm2-cover"></div>
 <-- /UI -->
 <a href="/path/to/an.mp3">

Customizing the UI

The player's default 50x50-pixel canvas is defined both within JavaScript and CSS. For an example with different values, see this larger version.

threeSixtyPlayer.config = {
  playNext: false, // stop after one sound, or play through list until end
  autoPlay: false, // start playing the first sound right away
  allowMultiple: true, // let many sounds play at once (false = one at a time)
  loadRingColor: '#ccc', // amount of sound which has loaded
  playRingColor: '#000', // amount of sound which has played
  backgroundRingColor: '#eee', // "default" color shown underneath everything else
  imageRoot: '', // path to prepend for empty.gif used for play/pause button
  animDuration: 500,
  animTransition: Animator.tx.bouncy //

The CSS for the canvas UI block is a bit ugly, but JavaScript reads the width of the .sm2-360ui element in the DOM as set by CSS and uses that to later draw and update the canvas element while playing.

.sm2-360ui {
  /* size of the container for the circle, etc. */

Third-party Components

This demo includes use of Bernie's Better Animation Class (Apache licensed) for some animation effects.

Also, some loader/spinner icons from are used for showing loading/buffering states.

SoundManager 2 project page (not an MP3 link)