Guillaume DE LA RUE c02cd9cdd7 Version 0.2a
2011-02-13 06:19:58 +01:00

94 lines
2.1 KiB

// -- Init the Background DIV
Layouts.Ennemies = new Layout({
// -- Define elements to draw with options
el: [],
// -- Define current Speed
speed: 7,
direction: 1,
// -- Define canvas parent
dom: $('div#game')
}) ;
// -- Restart enemy
Layouts.Ennemies.reinitObj = function(obj) {
var self = this ;
obj.x = Math.round(Math.random()*self.width)
obj.y = Math.round(-Math.random()*self.height) ;
obj.settings.speed = Math.round(Math.max(10, Math.random()*20)) ;
obj.explosing = false ;
return obj ;
} ;
// -- Create a random ennemy
Layouts.Ennemies.createRandom = function(opts) {
var self = this,
alien = {
name: 'ennemy',
type: 'alien',
width: 60,
height: 60,
power: 40,
imageSrc: '/images/bullet-electric-sprite.png',
sprites: [0,1,2],
speed: Math.round(Math.max(10, Math.random()*20)),
direction: 1,
origin: {x:Math.round(Math.random()*self.width), y:Math.round(-Math.random()*self.height)},
explode: function(obj) {
if ( ! obj || obj.explosing ) return false ;
self.createExplosion(obj) ;
obj.explosing = true ;
obj = self.reinitObj(obj);
Wyrian.score = Wyrian.score || 0 ;
Wyrian.score += obj.settings.power ;
animate: function (obj) {
if ( obj.explosing ) {
obj.y = obj.parent.heigh+1000 ;
} else {
obj.y += obj.settings.speed*obj.settings.direction ;
if ( obj.y > obj.parent.height+obj.height ) {
obj = self.reinitObj(obj);
} ;
this.els.push(this.createObj(alien)) ;
} ;
// -- Create an explosion
Layouts.Ennemies.createExplosion = function(object) {
var self = this ;
var explosion = {
name: 'explosion',
type: 'neutral',
imageSrc: '/images/sprites/explosion-sprite.png',
sprites: [0,1,2],
origin: {x: object.x-330/2+object.width/2, y: object.y-330/2+object.height/2},
animate: function(obj) {
obj.settings.spriteMod = 5 ;
var newObj = this.createObj(explosion) ;
self.els.push(newObj) ;
setTimeout(function() {
newObj.deleteObj() ;
if ( ! Layouts.Player.running )
$(document).trigger('gameComplete') ;
}, 500) ;
} ;