require 'xtmfile/header' module XtmFile class Joiner attr_reader :header, :input_filename, :output_filename # yield this event + filename when opening a new file EVENT_OPENFILE = :file # yield this event + percent on joining progress EVENT_PROGRESS = :progress BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 4096 * 4096 def initialize input, output=nil @input_filename = input @output_filename = output @input_filename, "rb" do |in_xtm| @header = Header::read in_xtm end if @output_filename.nil? then @output_filename = @header.filename_str end end def start &blk in_xtm = @input_filename, "rb" @header.num_bytes, IO::SEEK_SET yield EVENT_OPENFILE, @input_filename if block_given? out_xtm = @output_filename, "wb" cur_xtm = @input_filename is_first = true cur_size = @header.filesize print "\x1b[s" while cur_size > 0 do unless is_first then cur_xtm = _nextfile cur_xtm yield EVENT_OPENFILE, cur_xtm if block_given? in_xtm = cur_xtm, "rb" end while cur_size > 0 and (not in_xtm.eof?) do pcent = (( @header.filesize - cur_size) * 100 / @header.filesize) yield EVENT_PROGRESS, pcent if block_given? read_size = if cur_size > BUFFER_MAX_SIZE then BUFFER_MAX_SIZE else cur_size end buffer = read_size cur_size = cur_size - buffer.length out_xtm.write buffer.slice(0, buffer.length) end is_first = false in_xtm.close end out_xtm.close # remaining files end def _nextfile curfile result = nil cur_idx = 0 cur_len = 0 case curfile when /\.([0-9]+)\.xtm$/ then cur_idx = $1.to_i cur_len = $1.length next_idx = cur_idx + 1 result = curfile.gsub(/\.([0-9]+)\.xtm$/, ".%0#{cur_len}d.xtm" % next_idx) when /\.xtm\.([0-9]+)$/ then cur_idx = $1.to_i cur_len = $1.length next_idx = cur_idx + 1 result = curfile.gsub(/\.xtm\.([0-9]+)$/, ".xtm.%0#{cur_len}d" % next_idx) else raise "Unable to detect a naming patterng for file sequence!" end return result end end end