🟠 Draft | BulkBarrage is a command-line tool that enables users to report spam emails to various spam database platforms (ex: SignalSpam)
Updated 2023-12-26 14:44:29 +00:00
🟢 Stable | A tool to schedule FOSDEM recordings and help you record the 5+ talks you wanted to attend at the same time.
Updated 2023-12-29 16:10:22 +00:00
🟢 🔁 Stable | HappySend is a tool that makes it easy to send wishes to lots of people through short text messages.
Updated 2024-01-03 21:13:00 +00:00
A simple tool to get Kathmandu time for setting appointments
Updated 2023-03-21 16:31:07 +00:00
A simple tool to automate openstack snapshots
Updated 2023-06-14 09:21:19 +00:00