Easy web terminal for students, when you have to teach system administration, and SSH is not available, not installable or not allowed.
Updated 2023-01-09 13:34:57 +00:00
🟠 Draft | xtm-utils is a set of tools for joining or splitting files using the XTM file format. It is an open-source replacement for the the closed-source binary provided by the XtremSplit website.
Updated 2023-12-26 15:43:02 +00:00
🟢 Stable | A collection of userscripts (website patches) designed for use with GreaseMonkey, TamperMonkey, ViolentMonkey, FireMonkey, etc.
Updated 2023-12-29 16:27:15 +00:00
🟠 Draft | A tool to dissect of websites
Updated 2023-12-29 16:11:12 +00:00
A deployable web platform for collaborative conversation, ideation & sense-making. Use it for free at
Updated 2023-03-07 09:12:09 +00:00
A simple shoot-em-up coded during a gamejam // 🚧 Draft
Updated 2023-05-27 19:00:57 +00:00