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#### Install passenger (e.g. Ubuntu Trusty like this:)
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// \
--recv-keys 561F9B9CAC40B2F7
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates
# Add APT repository
sudo sh -c 'echo deb trusty main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/passenger.list'
sudo apt-get update
# Install Passenger + Nginx (try apache if you would rather not change
# nginx)
sudo apt-get install -y nginx-extras passenger
#### Setup Postgres
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4 #specify version!!
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE USER metamaps WITH PASSWORD 'mycoolpassword' CREATEDB;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE metamap002_production OWNER metamaps;
postgres=# \q
#### Install system-wide rvm:
sudo gpg --keyserver hkp:// \
--recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL | sudo bash -s stable
echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" | sudo tee -a /etc/gemrc
#### Create user and setup gemsets for that user
sudo adduser --disabled-password metamaps
sudo adduser metamaps rvm
#### Clone github repo and install gems
sudo su - metamaps
rvm user gemsets
2016-04-13 02:16:54 +00:00
git clone \
--branch instance/mycoolinstance
2016-04-13 02:16:54 +00:00
rvm install $(cat metamaps/.ruby-version) #ensure ruby is installed
cd metamaps
2016-11-01 08:31:36 +00:00
gem install bundler
RAILS_ENV=production bundle install
#### Connect rails database
2016-04-13 02:16:54 +00:00
Run this in the metamaps directory, still as metamaps:
# fill in DB_* values, and realtime server at least. Change the
# SECRET_KEY_BASE to something new. Ctrl+X to save/exit from nano.
cp .example-env .env
nano .env
# Set up environment variables in your current session
source .env
export RAILS_ENV=production
export NODE_ENV=production
# create, load schema, seed
2016-11-01 08:31:36 +00:00
bundle exec rails db:setup
#### Install node & ES6 modules
sudo aptitude install nodejs npm
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
npm install
2016-10-04 06:02:07 +00:00
#### Precompile assets
2016-11-01 08:31:36 +00:00
This step depends on running npm install first; assets:precompile calls `npm install` and `bin/`, both of which require node_modules to be installed. We suggest you run the commands separately this time to better catch any errors.
2016-10-04 06:02:07 +00:00
2016-11-01 08:31:36 +00:00
npm run build
2016-10-04 06:02:07 +00:00
2016-11-01 08:31:36 +00:00
bundle exec rails assets:precompile
bundle exec rails perms:fix
#### Nginx and SSL
2016-11-01 08:31:36 +00:00
We recommand using Passenger + Nginx to serve your website. You can contact us for our nginx configuration.
Get an SSL certificate and encrypt it for the realtime video.
#### And finally
2016-04-13 02:16:54 +00:00
passenger-config restart-app /home/metamaps/metamaps
If this command fails, it may be helpful for debugging to run a test
server to see what problems show up:
RAILS_ENV=production rails server
#### Realtime server:
sudo npm install -g forever
2016-11-08 20:51:39 +00:00
(crontab -u metamaps -l 2>/dev/null; echo "@reboot env NODE_REALTIME_PORT=5000 $(which forever) --append -l /home/metamaps/logs/forever.realtime.log start /home/metamaps/metamaps/realtime/realtime-server.js") | crontab -u metamaps -
mkdir -p /home/metamaps/logs
2016-11-08 20:51:39 +00:00
env NODE_REALTIME_PORT=5000 forever --append \
2016-11-01 08:31:36 +00:00
-c /home/metamaps/metamaps/node_modules/.bin/babel-node \
-l /home/metamaps/logs/forever.realtime.log \
2016-04-13 02:16:54 +00:00
start /home/metamaps/metamaps/realtime/realtime-server.js
#### Upstart service for delayed_worker:
2017-01-10 23:00:37 +00:00
If your system uses upstart for init scripts, put the following code into `/etc/init/metamaps_delayed_job.conf`:
description "Delayed Jobs Worker for Metamaps"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
setuid metamaps
setgid metamaps
2016-04-13 02:16:54 +00:00
chdir /home/metamaps/metamaps
env HOME=/home/metamaps
2016-08-01 00:33:45 +00:00
env PATH="/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@metamaps/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin:/usr/local/rvm/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
env GEM_PATH="/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@metamaps:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@global"
env RAILS_ENV="production"
respawn limit 3 30
exec bundle exec rails jobs:work
Then start the service and check the last ten lines of the log file to make sure it's running OK:
sudo service metamaps_delayed_job start
tail /var/log/upstart/metamaps_delayed_job.log
2017-01-10 23:00:37 +00:00
#### Systemd service for delayed_worker:
If your system uses systemd for init scripts, ptu the following code into `/etc/systemd/system/metamaps_delayed_job.service`:
Description=metamaps delayed job service
ExecStart=/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@metamaps/bin/bundle exec rails jobs:work
Then start the service and check the last ten lines of the log file to make sure it's running OK:
sudo systemctl start metamaps_delayed_job
# ??? how the heck do you check systemd logs??