first draft of explore maps working

This commit is contained in:
Connor Turland 2014-08-10 13:06:58 -04:00
parent d14d505c3a
commit 06b35e550d
66 changed files with 2098 additions and 1887 deletions

View file

@ -18,4 +18,5 @@
//= require_directory ./librariesForAllPages
//= require ./metamaps/Metamaps.GlobalUI
//= require ./metamaps/Metamaps.Router
//= require ./metamaps/Metamaps.Backbone
//= require ./metamaps/Metamaps.Backbone
//= require ./metamaps/Metamaps.Views

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(function(w){var k=function(b,c){typeof c=="undefined"&&(c={});this.init(b,c)},a=k.prototype,o,p=["canvas","vml"],f=["oval","spiral","square","rect","roundRect"],x=/^\#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/,v=navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!==-1&&parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1])===8?true:false,y=!!document.createElement("canvas").getContext,q=true,n=function(b,c,a){var b=document.createElement(b),d;for(d in a)b[d]=a[d];typeof c!=="undefined"&&c.appendChild(b);return b},m=function(b,
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r;){l=b<=s?1-1/s*b:l=0;k=270-360/r*b;j=k/180*Math.PI;i.fillStyle="rgba("+this.cRGB.r+","+this.cRGB.g+","+this.cRGB.b+","+l.toString()+")";switch(this.shape){case f[0]:case f[1]:c=g*0.07;e=g*0.47+Math.cos(j)*(g*0.47-c)-g*0.47;h=g*0.47+Math.sin(j)*(g*0.47-c)-g*0.47;i.beginPath();this.shape===f[1]?i.arc(g*0.5+e,g*0.5+h,c*l,0,Math.PI*2,false):i.arc(g*0.5+e,g*0.5+h,c,0,Math.PI*2,false);break;case f[2]:c=g*0.12;e=Math.cos(j)*(g*0.47-c)+g*0.5;h=Math.sin(j)*(g*0.47-c)+g*0.5;u(i,e,h,j);i.fillRect(e,h-c*0.5,
c,c);break;case f[3]:case f[4]:a=g*0.3,d=a*0.27,e=Math.cos(j)*(d+(g-d)*0.13)+g*0.5,h=Math.sin(j)*(d+(g-d)*0.13)+g*0.5,u(i,e,h,j),this.shape===f[3]?i.fillRect(e,h-d*0.5,a,d):(c=d*0.55,i.moveTo(e+c,h-d*0.5),i.lineTo(e+a-c,h-d*0.5),i.quadraticCurveTo(e+a,h-d*0.5,e+a,h-d*0.5+c),i.lineTo(e+a,h-d*0.5+d-c),i.quadraticCurveTo(e+a,h-d*0.5+d,e+a-c,h-d*0.5+d),i.lineTo(e+c,h-d*0.5+d),i.quadraticCurveTo(e,h-d*0.5+d,e,h-d*0.5+d-c),i.lineTo(e,h-d*0.5+c),i.quadraticCurveTo(e,h-d*0.5,e+c,h-d*0.5))}i.closePath();i.fill();
i.restore();++b}}else{m(this.cont,{width:g,height:g});m(this.vml,{width:g,height:g});switch(this.shape){case f[0]:case f[1]:j="oval";c=140;break;case f[2]:j="roundrect";c=120;break;case f[3]:case f[4]:j="roundrect",c=300}a=d=c;e=500-d;for(h=-d*0.5;b<r;){l=b<=s?1-1/s*b:l=0;k=270-360/r*b;switch(this.shape){case f[1]:a=d=c*l;e=500-c*0.5-c*l*0.5;h=(c-c*l)*0.5;break;case f[0]:case f[2]:v&&(h=0,this.shape===f[2]&&(e=500-d*0.5));break;case f[3]:case f[4]:a=c*0.95,d=a*0.28,v?(e=0,h=500-d*0.5):(e=500-a,h=
-d*0.5),q=this.shape===f[4]?0.6:0}i=t(m(n("group",this.vml),{width:1E3,height:1E3,rotation:k}),{coordsize:"1000,1000",coordorigin:"-500,-500"});i=m(n(j,i,{stroked:false,arcSize:q}),{width:a,height:d,top:h,left:e});n("fill",i,{color:this.color,opacity:l});++b}}this.tick(true)};a.clean=function(){if(o===p[0])this.con.clearRect(0,0,1E3,1E3);else{var b=this.vml;if(b.hasChildNodes())for(;b.childNodes.length>=1;)b.removeChild(b.firstChild)}};a.redraw=function(){this.clean();this.draw()};a.reset=function(){typeof this.timer===
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View file

@ -1888,7 +1888,12 @@ var MouseEventsManager = new Class({
for(var id in graph.nodes) {
var n = graph.nodes[id],
geom = n && ntypes[n.getData('type')],
contains = geom && geom.contains &&, n, this.getPos());
contains = n.getData('alpha') !== 0 && geom && geom.contains &&, n, this.getPos());
// ORIGINAL CODE contains = geom && geom.contains &&, n, this.getPos());
if(contains) {
this.contains = contains;
return that.node = this.node = n;
@ -1907,7 +1912,11 @@ var MouseEventsManager = new Class({
if(edgeId in hashset) continue;
var e = edgeFrom[edgeId],
geom = e && etypes[e.getData('type')],
contains = geom && geom.contains &&, e, this.getPos());
contains = e.getData('alpha') !== 0 && geom && geom.contains &&, e, this.getPos());
// ORIGINAL CODE contains = geom && geom.contains &&, n, this.getPos());
if(contains) {
this.contains = contains;
return that.edge = this.edge = e;
@ -2645,9 +2654,12 @@ var Canvas;,
type = opt.type,
idLabel = id + "-label",
wrapper = $(id),
width = opt.width || wrapper.offsetWidth,
height = opt.height || wrapper.offsetHeight;
// ORIGINAL CODE wrapper = $(id),
//wrapper =,
width = opt.width, // || wrapper.offsetWidth,
height = opt.height; // || wrapper.offsetHeight; = id;
//canvas options
var canvasOptions = {
@ -2692,7 +2704,16 @@ var Canvas;
var m =;
// ORIGINAL CODE wrapper.appendChild(this.element);
//Update canvas position when the page is scrolled.
var timer = null, that = this;
$.addEvent(window, 'scroll', function() {

View file

@ -1,18 +1,80 @@
Metamaps.Backbone = {};
Metamaps.Backbone.Map = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: '/maps',
blacklist: ['created_at', 'updated_at'],
blacklist: ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'map', 'topics', 'synapses', 'mappings', 'mappers'],
toJSON: function (options) {
return _.omit(this.attributes, this.blacklist);
authorizeToEdit: function (mapper) {
if (mapper && (this.get('permission') === "commons" || this.get('user_id') === mapper.get('id'))) return true;
else return false;
getUser: function () {
return Metamaps.Mapper.get(this.get('user_id'));
getTopics: function () {
if (!this.get('topics')) {
this.fetch({async: false});
return this.get('topics');
getSynapses: function () {
if (!this.get('synapses')) {
this.fetch({async: false});
return this.get('synapses');
attrForCards: function () {
var obj = {
name: this.get('name'),
desc: this.get('desc'),
username: this.getUser().get('name'),
mkPermission: this.get("permission").substring(0, 2),
editPermission: this.authorizeToEdit(Metamaps.Active.Mapper) ? 'canEdit' : 'cannotEdit',
topicCount: this.getTopics().length,
synapseCount: this.getSynapses().length,
createdAt: this.get('created_at')
return obj;
Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Metamaps.Backbone.Map,
url: '/maps'
initialize: function(models, options) { =;
this.sortBy = options.sortBy;
url: function() {
return '/explore/' + + '.json';
comparator: function (a, b) {
a = a.get(this.sortBy);
b = b.get(this.sortBy);
if (this.sortBy === 'name') {
a = a.toLowerCase();
b = b.toLowerCase();
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0;
getMaps: function () {;
var self = this;
reset: true,
success: function (collection, response, options) {
// you can pass additional options to the event you trigger here as well
error: function (collection, response, options) {
// you can pass additional options to the event you trigger here as well
Metamaps.Backbone.Mapper = Backbone.Model.extend({

View file

@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ Metamaps.Active = {
Topic: null,
Mapper: null
Metamaps.Maps = {}; // will be initialized in Metamaps.Backbone.js as a MapCollection
Metamaps.Mappers = {}; // will be initialized in Metamaps.Backbone.js as a MapperCollection
Metamaps.Maps = {};
$(document).ready(function () {
@ -83,12 +82,16 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI = {
// initialize global backbone models and collections
if (Metamaps.Active.Mapper) Metamaps.Active.Mapper = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapper(Metamaps.Active.Mapper);
Metamaps.Mappers = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapperCollection([Metamaps.Active.Mapper]);
Metamaps.Maps = {};
Metamps.Maps.Mine = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection();
Metamps.Maps.Featured = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection();
Metamps.Maps.Active = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection();
Metamps.Maps.New = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection();
Metamaps.Mappers = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapperCollection([Metamaps.Active.Mapper]);
var myCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Mine ? Metamaps.Maps.Mine : [];
var featuredCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Featured ? Metamaps.Maps.Featured : [];
var activeCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Active ? Metamaps.Maps.Active : [];
var newCollection = Metamaps.Maps.New ? Metamaps.Maps.New : [];
Metamaps.Maps.Mine = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(myCollection, {id: 'mine', sortBy: 'name'});
Metamaps.Maps.Featured = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(featuredCollection, {id: 'featured', sortBy: 'name'});
Metamaps.Maps.Active = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(activeCollection, {id: 'active', sortBy: 'updated_at'});
Metamaps.Maps.New = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(newCollection, {id: 'new', sortBy: 'created_at'});
openLightbox: function (which) {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI;
@ -151,18 +154,23 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI = {
self.lightbox = null;
notifyUser: function (message) {
notifyUser: function (message, leaveOpen) {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI;
if ($('.notice.metamaps').length == 0) {
$('body').prepend('<div class="notice metamaps" />');;;
if (!leaveOpen) {
self.notifyTimeOut = setTimeout(function () {
}, 8000);
clearNotify: function() {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI;
self.notifyTimeOut = setTimeout(function () {
}, 8000);
@ -281,6 +289,9 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI.Account = {
open: function () {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Account;
if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing) {
self.changing = true;
@ -290,9 +301,11 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI.Account = {
close: function () {
close: function (force) {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Account;
var time = force ? 0 : 500;
self.timeOut = setTimeout(function () {
if (!self.changing) {
self.changing = true;
@ -301,13 +314,14 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI.Account = {
self.isOpen = false;
}, 500);
}, time);
Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search = {
locked: false,
isOpen: false,
timeOut: null,
changing: false,
@ -337,7 +351,7 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search = {
$('body').bind('keydown', function (e) {
switch (e.which) {
case 191:
if (e.ctrlKey && !self.isOpen) {
if ((e.ctrlKey && !self.isOpen) || (e.ctrlKey && self.locked)) {;
@ -353,38 +367,47 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search = {
lock: function() {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search;
self.locked = true;
unlock: function() {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search;
self.locked = false;
open: function () {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search;
if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing) {
if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing && !self.locked) {
self.changing = true;
$('.sidebarSearch .twitter-typeahead, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint, .sidebarSearchField').animate({
width: '200px'
}, 200, function () {
width: '400px'
}, 300, function () {
$('.sidebarSearchField, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint').css({
padding: '5px 10px',
width: '180px'
padding: '10px 10px 0 10px',
width: '380px'
self.changing = false;
self.isOpen = true;
else if (self.locked) $('.sidebarSearchField').focus();
close: function (closeAfter, bypass) {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search;
self.timeOut = setTimeout(function () {
if (!self.changing && self.isOpen && (bypass || $('.sidebarSearchField').val() == '')) {
if (!self.locked && !self.changing && self.isOpen && (bypass || $('.sidebarSearchField').val() == '')) {
self.changing = true;
$('.sidebarSearchField, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint').css({
padding: '5px 0',
width: '200px'
padding: '10px 0 0 0',
width: '400px'
$('.sidebarSearch .twitter-typeahead, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint, .sidebarSearchField').animate({
width: '0'
}, 200, function () {
}, 300, function () {
$('.sidebarSearchField').typeahead('setQuery', '');
self.changing = false;
@ -392,6 +415,11 @@ Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search = {
}, closeAfter);
if (self.locked) {
$('.sidebarSearchField').typeahead('setQuery', '');
startTypeahead: function () {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search;

View file

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
Metamaps.JIT = {
vizData: [], // contains the visualization-compatible graph
graphRendered: false, // flag indicates if we have rendered the data so we don't bother doing it again wastefully
* This method will bind the event handlers it is interested and initialize the class.
init: function () {
var self = Metamaps.JIT;
@ -26,6 +24,10 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
var edge;
var edges = [];
// reset/empty vizData
self.vizData = [];
Metamaps.Visualize.loadLater = false;
Metamaps.Topics.each(function (t) {
node = t.createNode();
nodes[] = node;
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
Metamaps.Visualize.loadLater = true;
Metamaps.Visualize.render("infovis", self.vizData);
}, // prepareVizData
edgeRender: function (adj, canvas) {
//get nodes cartesian coordinates
@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
animateFDLayout: {
modes: ['linear'],
transition: $jit.Trans.Elastic.easeOut,
duration: 2500,
duration: 800,
onComplete: function () {
Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.busy = false;
@ -210,9 +212,9 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
panning: 'avoid nodes',
zooming: 28 //zoom speed. higher is more sensible
background: {
type: 'Metamaps'
//background: {
// type: 'Metamaps'
//NodeStyles: {
// enable: true,
// type: 'Native',
@ -522,7 +524,7 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
RGraph: {
animate: {
modes: ['polar'],
duration: 2000,
duration: 800,
onComplete: function () {
Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.busy = false;
@ -540,7 +542,7 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
levelDistance: 200
onMouseEnter: function (edge) {
if (edge.getData('alpha') === 0) return; // don't do anything if the edge is filtered
$('canvas').css('cursor', 'pointer');
var edgeIsSelected = Metamaps.Selected.Edges.indexOf(edge);
//following if statement only executes if the edge being hovered over is not selected
@ -558,6 +560,7 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
}, // onMouseEnter
onMouseLeave: function (edge) {
if (edge.getData('alpha') === 0) return; // don't do anything if the edge is filtered
$('canvas').css('cursor', 'default');
var edgeIsSelected = Metamaps.Selected.Edges.indexOf(edge);
//following if statement only executes if the edge being hovered over is not selected
@ -1229,6 +1232,8 @@ Metamaps.JIT = {
// the 'node' variable is a JIT node, the one that was clicked on
// the 'e' variable is the click event
if (adj.getData('alpha') === 0) return; // don't do anything if the edge is filtered
var authorized;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
(function () {
Metamaps.currentPage = "";
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "home", // #home
@ -7,30 +10,130 @@
home: function () {
document.title = 'My Maps | Metamaps';
if (Metamaps.Active.Mapper) document.title = 'My Maps | Metamaps';
else document.title = 'Home | Metamaps';
Metamaps.currentSection = "";
Metamaps.currentPage = "";
var classes = Metamaps.Active.Mapper ? "homePage explorePage" : "homePage";
// all this only for the logged in home page
if (Metamaps.Active.Mapper) {
Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps.setCollection( Metamaps.Maps.Mine );
if (Metamaps.Maps.Mine.length === 0) {
Metamaps.Maps.Mine.getMaps(); // this will trigger an explore maps render
else {
// logged out home page
else {
Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.close(0, true);
Metamaps.Active.Map = null;
}, 500);
explore: function (section) {
var capitalize = section.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + section.slice(1);
document.title = 'Explore ' + capitalize + ' Maps | Metamaps';
$('.wrapper').removeClass('homePage mapPage');
Metamaps.currentSection = "explore";
Metamaps.currentPage = section;
Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps.setCollection( Metamaps.Maps[capitalize] );
if (Metamaps.Maps[capitalize].length === 0) {
Metamaps.Maps[capitalize].getMaps(); // this will trigger an explore maps render
else {
Metamaps.Active.Map = null;
Metamaps.Router.navigate("/explore/" + section);
}, 500);
maps: function (id) {
document.title = 'Map ' + id + ' | Metamaps';
Metamaps.currentSection = "map";
Metamaps.currentPage = id;
$('.wrapper').removeClass('homePage explorePage');
// clear the visualization, if there was one, before showing its div again
if (Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph) {
Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.close(0, true);
Metamaps.Router = new Router();
Metamaps.Router.init = function () {
silent: true,
pushState: true,
root: '/'
console.log('router started');
$(document).on("click", "a:not([data-bypass])", function (evt) {
var segments;
var href = {
prop: $(this).prop("href"),
attr: $(this).attr("href")
@ -41,7 +144,14 @@
if (href.prop && href.prop.slice(0, root.length) === root) {
Backbone.history.navigate(href.attr, true);
segments = href.attr.split('/');
segments.splice(0,1); // pop off the element created by the first /
if (href.attr === "") Metamaps.Router.home();
else {

View file

@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
(function () {
Metamaps.Views = {};
Metamaps.Views.init = function () {
Metamaps.Views.MapCard = Backbone.View.extend({
template: Hogan.compile( $('#mapCardTemplate').html() ),
tagName: "div",
className: "map",
id: function() {
events: {
"click .icon": "open",
"click .button.edit": "openEditDialog",
@ -18,9 +26,45 @@
render: function () {
this.$el.html( this.template.render(this.model.attrForCards()) );
return this;
var mapsWrapper = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.mapsWrapper',
initialize: function (opts) {
setCollection: function (collection) {
if (this.collection) this.stopListening(this.collection);
this.collection = collection;
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'successOnFetch', this.handleSuccess);
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'errorOnFetch', this.handleError);
render: function () {
var that = this;
this.collection.each(function (map) {
var view = new Metamaps.Views.MapCard({ model: map });
that.$el.append( view.render().el );
handleSuccess: function () {
handleError: function () {
Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps = new mapsWrapper();

View file

@ -64,12 +64,6 @@ Metamaps.Selected = {
Edges: []
Metamaps.Metacodes = {}; // will be initialized in Metamaps.Backbone.init as a MetacodeCollection
Metamaps.Topics = {}; // will be initialized in Metamaps.Backbone.init as a TopicCollection
Metamaps.Synapses = {}; // will be initialized in Metamaps.Backbone.init as a SynapseCollection
Metamaps.Mappings = {}; // will be initialized in Metamaps.Backbone.init as a MappingCollection
@ -323,26 +317,24 @@ Metamaps.Backbone.init = function () {
url: '/mappings'
Metamaps.Metacodes = new self.MetacodeCollection(Metamaps.Metacodes);
Metamaps.Topics = new self.TopicCollection(Metamaps.Topics);
Metamaps.Metacodes = Metamaps.Metacodes ? new self.MetacodeCollection(Metamaps.Metacodes) : new self.MetacodeCollection();
Metamaps.Topics = Metamaps.Topics ? new self.TopicCollection(Metamaps.Topics) : new self.TopicCollection();
Metamaps.Topics.on("add remove", function(topic){
Metamaps.Synapses = new self.SynapseCollection(Metamaps.Synapses);
Metamaps.Synapses = Metamaps.Synapses ? new self.SynapseCollection(Metamaps.Synapses) : new self.SynapseCollection();
Metamaps.Synapses.on("add remove", function(synapse){
Metamaps.Mappers = new self.MapperCollection(Metamaps.Mappers)
Metamaps.Mappers = Metamaps.Mappers ? new self.MapperCollection(Metamaps.Mappers) : new self.MapperCollection();
if (Metamaps.Active.Map) {
Metamaps.Mappings = new self.MappingCollection(Metamaps.Mappings);
Metamaps.Mappings = Metamaps.Mappings ? new self.MappingCollection(Metamaps.Mappings) : new self.MappingCollection();
Metamaps.Mappings.on("add remove", function(synapse){
@ -350,7 +342,6 @@ Metamaps.Backbone.init = function () {
Metamaps.Active.Map = new self.Map(Metamaps.Active.Map);
if (Metamaps.Active.Topic) Metamaps.Active.Topic = new self.Topic(Metamaps.Active.Topic);
@ -1110,12 +1101,10 @@ Metamaps.SynapseCard = {
Metamaps.Visualize = {
mGraph: {}, // a reference to the graph object.
mGraph: null, // a reference to the graph object.
cameraPosition: null, // stores the camera position when using a 3D visualization
type: "ForceDirected", // the type of graph we're building, could be "RGraph", "ForceDirected", or "ForceDirected3D"
savedLayout: true, // indicates whether the map has a saved layout or not
loadLater: false, // indicates whether there is JSON that should be loaded right in the offset, or whether to wait till the first topic is created
target: null, // the selector representing the location to render the graph
init: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Visualize;
// disable awkward dragging of the canvas element that would sometimes happen
@ -1142,12 +1131,6 @@ Metamaps.Visualize = {
Metamaps.Touch.touchDragNode = false;
render: function (targetID, vizData) {
var self = Metamaps.Visualize;
self.mGraph = {}; = targetID;
computePositions: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Visualize,
@ -1171,7 +1154,7 @@ Metamaps.Visualize = {
pos.setc(-200, -200);
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected" && self.savedLayout) {
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected") {
var i, l, startPos, endPos, topic, synapse;
self.mGraph.graph.eachNode(function (n) {
@ -1194,51 +1177,78 @@ Metamaps.Visualize = {
n.setPos(startPos, 'start');
n.setPos(endPos, 'end');
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected3D" || !self.savedLayout) {
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected3D") {
* __buildGraph does the heavy lifting of creating the engine that renders the graph with the properties we desire
* render does the heavy lifting of creating the engine that renders the graph with the properties we desire
* @param vizData a json structure containing the data to be rendered.
__buildGraph: function (vizData) {
var self = Metamaps.Visualize
render: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Visualize, RGraphSettings, FDSettings;
if (self.type == "RGraph" && !self.mGraph) {
RGraphSettings = $.extend(true, {}, Metamaps.JIT.ForceDirected.graphSettings);
if (self.type == "RGraph") {
RGraphSettings.width = $(document).width();
RgraphSettings.height = $(document).height();
RGraphSettings.background = Metamaps.JIT.RGraph.background;
RGraphSettings.levelDistance = Metamaps.JIT.RGraph.levelDistance;
self.mGraph = new $jit.RGraph(RGraphSettings);
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected") {
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected" && !self.mGraph) {
FDSettings = $.extend(true, {}, Metamaps.JIT.ForceDirected.graphSettings);
self.mGraph = new $jit.ForceDirected(Metamaps.JIT.ForceDirected.graphSettings);
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected3D") {
FDSettings.width = $(document).width();
FDSettings.height = $(document).height();
self.mGraph = new $jit.ForceDirected(FDSettings);
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected3D" && !self.mGraph) {
// init ForceDirected3D
self.mGraph = new $jit.ForceDirected3D(Metamaps.JIT.ForceDirected3D.graphSettings);
self.cameraPosition = self.mGraph.canvas.canvases[0].camera.position;
else {
// load JSON data, if it's not empty
if (!self.loadLater) {
//load JSON data.
//compute positions and plot.
if (self.type == "RGraph") {
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected" && self.savedLayout) {
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected3D" || !self.savedLayout) {
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected") {
} else if (self.type == "ForceDirected3D") {
// update the url now that the map is ready
var m = Metamaps.Active.Map;
if (m && window.location.pathname !== "/maps/" + {
Metamaps.Router.navigate("/maps/" +;
}, 800);
}; // end Metamaps.Visualize
@ -1347,6 +1357,9 @@ Metamaps.Realtime = {
open: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Realtime;
if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing) {
self.changing = true;
@ -1356,9 +1369,11 @@ Metamaps.Realtime = {
close: function () {
close: function (force) {
var self = Metamaps.Realtime;
var time = force ? 0 : 500;
self.timeOut = setTimeout(function () {
if (!self.changing) {
self.changing = true;
@ -1367,7 +1382,7 @@ Metamaps.Realtime = {
self.isOpen = false;
}, 500);
}, time);
setupSocket: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Realtime;
@ -1742,6 +1757,7 @@ Metamaps.Control = {
selectEdge: function (edge) {
if (edge.getData('alpha') === 0) return; // don't do anything if the edge is filtered
if (Metamaps.Selected.Edges.indexOf(edge) != -1) return;
edge.setData('showDesc', true, 'current');
if (!Metamaps.Settings.embed) {
@ -1772,6 +1788,7 @@ Metamaps.Control = {
deselectEdge: function (edge) {
if (edge.getData('alpha') === 0) return; // don't do anything if the edge is filtered
edge.setData('showDesc', false, 'current');
edge.setDataset('end', {
lineWidth: 2,
@ -1937,16 +1954,15 @@ Metamaps.Filter = {
$('.sidebarFilterBox .hideAllSynapses').click(self.filterAllSynapses);
$('.sidebarFilterBox .hideAllMappers').click(self.filterAllMappers);
// toggle visibility of topics with metacodes based on status in the filters list
$('#filter_by_metacode ul li').click(self.toggleMetacode);
$('#filter_by_mapper ul li').click(self.toggleMapper);
$('#filter_by_synapse ul li').click(self.toggleSynapse);
open: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing) {
self.changing = true;
@ -1957,9 +1973,11 @@ Metamaps.Filter = {
close: function () {
close: function (force) {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var time = force ? 0 : 500;
self.timeOut = setTimeout(function () {
if (!self.changing) {
self.changing = true;
@ -1969,121 +1987,110 @@ Metamaps.Filter = {
self.isOpen = false;
}, 500);
}, time);
checkMetacodes: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var newMetacodeList = [];
var removedMetacodes = [];
var addedMetacodes = [];
Metamaps.Topics.each(function(topic) {
if (newMetacodeList.indexOf(topic.get('metacode_id')) === -1) {
removedMetacodes = _.difference(self.filters.metacodes, newMetacodeList);
addedMetacodes = _.difference(newMetacodeList, self.filters.metacodes);
_.each(removedMetacodes, function(metacode_id) {
$('#filter_by_metacode li[data-id="' + metacode_id + '"]').fadeOut('fast',function(){
var synapse, li, jQueryLi;
Most of this data essentially depends on the ruby function which are happening for filter inside view filterBox
But what these function do is load this data into three accessible array within java : metacodes, mappers and synapses
getFilterData: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var metacode, mapper, synapse;
$('#filter_by_metacode li').each(function() {
metacode = $( this ).attr('data-id');
$('#filter_by_mapper li').each(function() {
mapper = ($( this ).attr('data-id'));
$('#filter_by_synapse li').each(function() {
synapse = ($( this ).attr('data-id'));
bindLiClicks: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
$('#filter_by_metacode ul li').unbind().click(self.toggleMetacode);
$('#filter_by_mapper ul li').unbind().click(self.toggleMapper);
$('#filter_by_synapse ul li').unbind().click(self.toggleSynapse);
// an abstraction function for checkMetacodes, checkMappers, checkSynapses to reduce
// code redundancy
updateFilters: function (topicsSynapsesOrBoth, propertyToCheck, correlatedModel, filtersToUse, listToModify) {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var newList = [];
var removed = [];
var added = [];
var check = function (topicsOrSynapses) {
Metamaps[topicsOrSynapses].each(function(model) {
var prop = model.get(propertyToCheck) ? model.get(propertyToCheck).toString() : false;
if (prop && newList.indexOf(prop) === -1) {
if (topicsSynapsesOrBoth === "both") {
else check(topicsSynapsesOrBoth);
removed = _.difference(self.filters[filtersToUse], newList);
added = _.difference(newList, self.filters[filtersToUse]);
// remove the list items for things no longer present on the map
_.each(removed, function(identifier) {
$('#filter_by_' + listToModify + ' li[data-id="' + identifier + '"]').fadeOut('fast',function(){
var model, li, jQueryLi;
function sortAlpha(a,b){
return a.childNodes[1].innerText.toLowerCase() > b.childNodes[1].innerText.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;
_.each(addedMetacodes, function(metacode_id) {
metacode = Metamaps.Metacodes.get(metacode_id);
li = metacode.prepareLiForFilter();
jQueryLi = $(li).hide();
$('li', '#filter_by_metacode ul').add(jQueryLi.fadeIn("fast"))
.sort(sortAlpha).appendTo('#filter_by_metacode ul');
// for each new filter to be added, create a list item for it and fade it in
_.each(added, function (identifier) {
model = Metamaps[correlatedModel].get(identifier) ||
Metamaps[correlatedModel].find(function (model) {
return model.get(propertyToCheck) === identifier;
li = model.prepareLiForFilter();
jQueryLi = $(li).hide();
$('li', '#filter_by_' + listToModify + ' ul').add(jQueryLi.fadeIn("fast"))
.sort(sortAlpha).appendTo('#filter_by_' + listToModify + ' ul');
self.filters.metacodes = newMetacodeList;
// update the list of filters with the new list we just generated
self.filters[filtersToUse] = newList;
// make sure clicks on list items still trigger the right events
checkMetacodes: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
self.updateFilters('Topics', 'metacode_id', 'Metacodes', 'metacodes', 'metacode');
checkMappers: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var newMappersList = [];
var removedMappersList = [];
var addedMappers = [];
Metamaps.Topics.each(function(topic) {
if (newMappersList.indexOf(topic.get('user_id')) === -1) {
Metamaps.Synapses.each(function(synapse) {
if (newMappersList.indexOf(synapse.get('user_id')) === -1) {
removedMappersList = _.difference(self.filters.mappers, newMappersList);
addedMappers = _.difference(newMappersList, self.filters.mappers);
_.each(removedMappersList, function(user_id) {
$('#filter_by_mapper li[data-id="' + user_id + '"]').fadeOut('fast',function(){
var mapper, li, jQueryLi;
function sortAlpha(a,b){
return a.childNodes[1].innerText.toLowerCase() > b.childNodes[1].innerText.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;
_.each(addedMappers, function(user_id) {
mapper = Metamaps.Mapper.get(user_id);
li = mapper.prepareLiForFilter();
jQueryLi = $(li).hide();
$('li', '#filter_by_mapper ul').add(jQueryLi.fadeIn("fast"))
.sort(sortAlpha).appendTo('#filter_by_mapper ul');
self.filters.mappers = newMappersList;
self.updateFilters('both', 'user_id', 'Mapper', 'mappers', 'mapper');
checkSynapses: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var newSynapsesList = [];
var removedSynapses = [];
var addedSynapses = [];
Metamaps.Synapses.each(function(synapse) {
if (synapse.get('desc') && newSynapsesList.indexOf(synapse.get('desc')) === -1) {
removedSynapses = _.difference(self.filters.synapses, newSynapsesList);
addedSynapses = _.difference(newSynapsesList, self.filters.synapses);
_.each(removedSynapses, function(synapse_desc) {
$('#filter_by_synapse li[data-id="' + synapse_desc + '"]').fadeOut('fast',function(){
var synapse, li, jQueryLi;
function sortAlpha(a,b){
return a.innerHTML.toLowerCase() > b.innerHTML.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;
_.each(addedSynapses, function(synapse_desc) {
synapse = Metamaps.Synapses.findWhere({desc:synapse_desc});
li = synapse.prepareLiForFilter();
jQueryLi = $(li).hide();
$('li', '#filter_by_synapse ul').add(jQueryLi.fadeIn("fast"))
.sort(sortAlpha).appendTo('#filter_by_synapse ul');
self.filters.synapses = newSynapsesList;
self.updateFilters('Synapses', 'desc', 'Synapses', 'synapses', 'synapse');
filterAllMetacodes: function (e) {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
@ -2120,80 +2127,37 @@ Metamaps.Filter = {
$('#filter_by_synapse ul li').removeClass('toggledOff');
self.visible.synapses = self.filters.synapses.slice();
Most of this data essentially depends on the ruby function which are happening for filter inside view filterBox
But what these function do is load this data into three accessible array within java : metacodes, mappers and synapses
getFilterData: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var metacode, mapper, synapse;
$('#filter_by_metacode li').each(function() {
metacode = $( this ).find('img').attr('data-id');
$('#filter_by_mapper li').each(function() {
mapper = ($( this ).find('img').attr('data-id'));
$('#filter_by_synapse li').each(function() {
synapse = ($( this ).find('p').text());
// an abstraction function for toggleMetacode, toggleMapper, toggleSynapse
// to reduce code redundancy
// gets called in the context of a list item in a filter box
toggleLi: function (whichToFilter) {
var self = Metamaps.Filter, index;
var id = $(this).attr("data-id");
if (self.visible[whichToFilter].indexOf(id) == -1) {
else {
index = self.visible[whichToFilter].indexOf(id);
self.visible[whichToFilter].splice(index, 1);
toggleMetacode: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter, index;
var metacode_id = $(this).attr("data-id");
if (self.visible.metacodes.indexOf(metacode_id) == -1) {
else {
index = self.visible.metacodes.indexOf(metacode_id);
self.visible.metacodes.splice(index, 1);
var self = Metamaps.Filter;, 'metacodes');
toggleMapper: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter, index;
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var user_id = $(this).attr("data-id");
if (self.visible.mappers.indexOf(user_id) == -1) {
else {
index = self.visible.mappers.indexOf(user_id);
self.visible.mappers.splice(index, 1);
self.passFilters();, 'mappers');
toggleSynapse: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter, index;
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
var synapse_desc = $(this).attr("data-id");
if (self.visible.synapses.indexOf(synapse_desc) == -1) {
else {
index = self.visible.synapses.indexOf(synapse_desc);
self.visible.synapses.splice(index, 1);
self.passFilters();, 'synapses');
passFilters: function () {
var self = Metamaps.Filter;
@ -2216,7 +2180,7 @@ Metamaps.Filter = {
n.setData('alpha', 1, 'end');
else {
n.setData('alpha', 0.0, 'end');
n.setData('alpha', 0, 'end');
Metamaps.Synapses.each(function(synapse) {
@ -2234,7 +2198,7 @@ Metamaps.Filter = {
e.setData('alpha', 1, 'end');
else {
e.setData('alpha', 0.0, 'end');
e.setData('alpha', 0, 'end');
@ -2260,11 +2224,11 @@ Metamaps.Listeners = {
$(document).on('keydown', function (e) {
switch (e.which) {
case 13:
if (Metamaps.Active.Map) Metamaps.JIT.enterKeyHandler();
case 27:
if (Metamaps.Active.Map) Metamaps.JIT.escKeyHandler();
break; //alert(e.which);
@ -2399,11 +2363,7 @@ Metamaps.Organize = {
var newOriginY = (lowY + highY) / 2;
} else alert('please call function with a valid layout dammit!');
loadSavedLayout: function (id) {
}; // end Metamaps.Organize
@ -2747,34 +2707,28 @@ Metamaps.Map = {
// this function is to retrieve a map JSON object from the database
// @param id = the id of the map to retrieve
get: function (id, callback) {
// if the desired topic is not yet in the local topic repository, fetch it
if (Metamaps.Maps.get(id) == undefined) {
if (!callback) {
var e = $.ajax({
url: "/maps/" + id + ".json",
async: false
return Metamaps.Maps.get(id);
} else {
return $.ajax({
url: "/users/" + id + ".json",
success: function (data) {
} else {
if (!callback) {
return Metamaps.Maps.get(id);
} else {
return callback(Metamaps.Maps.get(id));
launch: function (id) {
var bb = Metamaps.Backbone;
var start = function (data) {
Metamaps.Active.Map = new bb.Map(;
Metamaps.Mappers = new bb.MapperCollection(data.mappers);
Metamaps.Topics = new bb.TopicCollection(data.topics);
Metamaps.Synapses = new bb.SynapseCollection(data.synapses);
Metamaps.Mappings = new bb.MappingCollection(data.mappings);
// build and render the visualization
// update filters
url: "/maps/" + id + ".json",
success: start
fork: function () {
@ -2853,13 +2807,13 @@ Metamaps.Map.InfoBox = {
$('.yourMap .mapPermission').click(self.onPermissionClick);
$("div.index").hover(, self.close);
$(".mapInfo").hover(, self.close);
open: function (event) {
var self = Metamaps.GlobalUI.Account;
if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing && != "openCheatsheet openLightbox") {
if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing &&"openCheatsheet") === -1) {
self.changing = true;
$('.mapInfoBox').fadeIn(200, function () {
self.changing = false;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
define(function(require, exports, module) {
// import dependencies
var Engine = require('famous/core/Engine');
var Modifier = require('famous/core/Modifier');
var Transform = require('famous/core/Transform');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var Timer = require('famous/utilities/Timer');
var templates = require('templates');
// create the main context
var famous = document.getElementById('famousOverlay');
Metamaps.Famous = {};
var f = Metamaps.Famous;
f.mainContext = Engine.createContext(famous);
f.viz = {}; = new Surface({
size: [undefined, undefined],
classes: [],
properties: {
display: 'none'
var prepare = function () {;
if (Metamaps.currentSection === "map") {'deploy', prepare);
f.viz.mod = new Modifier({
origin: [0.5, 0.5],
opacity: 0
}); = function () {{ "display":"block" });
{ duration: 300 }
f.viz.hide = function () {
{ duration: 300 },
function() {{"display": "none"});
f.explore = {}; = new Surface({
size: [undefined, 94],
content: templates.mineContent,
classes: ['exploreMapsBar', 'exploreElement']
f.explore.mod = new Modifier({
origin: [0.5, 0],
transform: Transform.translate(0, -94, 0)
}); = function () {
Transform.translate(0, 0, 0),
{ duration: 300, curve: 'easeOut' }
f.explore.hide = function () {
Transform.translate(0, -94, 0),
{ duration: 300, curve: 'easeIn' }
f.explore.set = function (section) {
var loggedIn = Metamaps.Active.Mapper ? 'Auth' : '';[section + loggedIn + 'Content']);
f.logo = {}; = new Surface({
size: [258, 56],
content: templates.logoContent,
classes: []
f.logo.mod = new Modifier({
origin: [0.5, 1],
transform: Transform.translate(0, 56, 0)
}); = function () {
Transform.translate(0, 0, 0),
{ duration: 300, curve: 'easeOut' }
f.logo.hide = function () {
Transform.translate(0, 56, 0),
{ duration: 300, curve: 'easeIn' }
f.toast = {}; = new Surface({
size: [true, 42],
content: '',
classes: ['toast']
f.toast.mod = new Modifier({
origin: [0, 1],
opacity: 0,
transform: Transform.translate(24, -24, 0)
}); = function () {
{ duration: 300 }
f.toast.hide = function () {
{ duration: 300 }
if (Metamaps.currentSection === "explore") {
else if (Metamaps.currentSection === "") {
if (Metamaps.Active.Mapper) {
else f.explore.set('featured');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
define(function(require, exports, module) {
var t = {};
t.logoContent = '<div class="logo">METAMAPS</div>';
t.logoContent += '<ul class="bottomLinks">';
t.logoContent += '<li class="openLightbox" data-open="about">About /&nbsp;</li>';
t.logoContent += '<li><a href="/maps/blank">Terms of Use /&nbsp;</a></li>';
t.logoContent += '<li class="openLightbox" data-open="colophon">Colophon /&nbsp;</li>';
t.logoContent += '<li class="openLightbox" data-open="getInvolved">Get Involved!</li>';
t.logoContent += '</ul>';
/* logged out explore maps bars */
t.activeContent = '<div class="exploreMapsMenu">';
t.activeContent += '<div class="exploreMapsCenter">';
t.activeContent += '<a href="/">My Maps</a>';
t.activeContent += '<a href="/explore/active" class="active">Recently Active</a>';
t.activeContent += '<a href="/explore/featured">Featured</a>';
t.activeContent += '<a href="/explore/new">New</a>';
t.activeContent += '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
t.activeContent += '</div';
t.activeContent += '</div>';
t.featuredContent = '<div class="exploreMapsMenu">';
t.featuredContent += '<div class="exploreMapsCenter">';
t.featuredContent += '<a href="/">My Maps</a>';
t.featuredContent += '<a href="/explore/active">Recently Active</a>';
t.featuredContent += '<a href="/explore/featured" class="active">Featured</a>';
t.featuredContent += '<a href="/explore/new">New</a>';
t.featuredContent += '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
t.featuredContent += '</div';
t.featuredContent += '</div>';
t.newContent = '<div class="exploreMapsMenu">';
t.newContent += '<div class="exploreMapsCenter">';
t.newContent += '<a href="/">My Maps</a>';
t.newContent += '<a href="/explore/active">Recently Active</a>';
t.newContent += '<a href="/explore/featured">Featured</a>';
t.newContent += '<a href="/explore/new" class="active">New</a>';
t.newContent += '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
t.newContent += '</div';
t.newContent += '</div>';
/* logged in explore maps bars */
t.mineAuthContent = '<div class="exploreMapsMenu">';
t.mineAuthContent += '<div class="exploreMapsCenter">';
t.mineAuthContent += '<a href="/" class="active">My Maps</a>';
t.mineAuthContent += '<a href="/explore/active">Recently Active</a>';
t.mineAuthContent += '<a href="/explore/featured">Featured</a>';
t.mineAuthContent += '<a href="/explore/new">New</a>';
t.mineAuthContent += '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
t.mineAuthContent += '</div';
t.mineAuthContent += '</div>';
t.activeAuthContent = '<div class="exploreMapsMenu">';
t.activeAuthContent += '<div class="exploreMapsCenter">';
t.activeAuthContent += '<a href="/">My Maps</a>';
t.activeAuthContent += '<a href="/explore/active" class="active">Recently Active</a>';
t.activeAuthContent += '<a href="/explore/featured">Featured</a>';
t.activeAuthContent += '<a href="/explore/new">New</a>';
t.activeAuthContent += '<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
t.activeAuthContent += '</div';
t.activeAuthContent += '</div>';
t.featuredAuthContent = '<div class="exploreMapsMenu">';
t.featuredAuthContent += '<div class="exploreMapsCenter">';
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t.newAuthContent += '</div';
t.newAuthContent += '</div>';
module.exports = t;

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View file

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we hide the element and position it correctly */
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/* collaborate */
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/* end collaborate */
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top: 8px;
/* end search */
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@ -1342,14 +800,6 @@ h3.realtimeBoxTitle {
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@ -2313,16 +1763,13 @@ div.mapInfoStat {
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/* --- styling the logo button ---*/
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height: 100%;

View file

@ -32,11 +32,8 @@
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@ -174,8 +171,8 @@ font-family: 'LatoLight';
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@ -186,7 +183,7 @@ position: relative;
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background-image: url(MMCCicon_mapper_black.png);
.linkItem.mapCount {
background-image: url(MMCCicon_map_black.png);
@ -600,7 +597,6 @@ font-family: 'LatoLight';
z-index: 25;
.mapCard .metacodeImage {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
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src: url('/assets/Fonts/din.eot');
src: url('/assets/Fonts/din.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
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url('/assets/Fonts/din.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('/assets/Fonts/din.svg#din-medium') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
.backface-visible {
-webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important;
backface-visibility: visible !important;
#famousOverlay {
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.yield {
/*.animations {
-webkit-transition-duration: .5s;
-moz-transition-duration: .5s;
-o-transition-duration: .5s;
-ms-transition-duration: .5s;
transition-duration: .5s;
-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
-moz-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
-o-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
-ms-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
.mapElement {
display: none;
.mapPage .mapElement {
display: block;
/* loading */
#loading {
width: 28px;
height: 28px;
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
margin-left: -14px;
left: 50%;
margin-top: -14px;
/* end loading */
/* logo */
.logo {
color: #6B6B6B;
font-family: "vinyl", sans-serif;
font-style: italic;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
text-align: center;
.bottomLinks {
color: #9e9e9e;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
list-style: none;
.bottomLinks li {
display: inline-block;
.bottomLinks li a {
color: #9e9e9e;
/* end logo */
/* upperLeftUI */
.upperLeftUI {
position: fixed;
top: 10px;
left: 24px;
box-shadow: 0px 1px 1.5px rgba(0,0,0,0.12), 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);
border-radius: 2px;
.explorePage .upperLeftUI {
box-shadow: none;
.unauthenticated .homePage .homeButton {
.homeButton {
width: 40px;
height: 32px;
background: #757575;
border-top-left-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
.homeButton a {
width: 40px;
height: 32px;
/* search */
.sidebarSearch {
height: 32px;
.unauthenticated .homePage .sidebarSearchIcon {
border-radius: 2px;
.sidebarSearchIcon {
float: left;
width: 72px;
border-top-right-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
height: 32px;
background: #4fb5c0 url('search_icon_32x32.png') no-repeat center center;
background-size: 25px 25px;
cursor: pointer;
.sidebarSearch .twitter-typeahead, .sidebarSearch .sidebarSearchField {
float: left;
.unauthenticated .homePage .sidebarSearchField,
.unauthenticated .homePage .sidebarSearch .tt-hint {
border-top-left-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
.explorePage .sidebarSearchField,
.explorePage .sidebarSearch .tt-hint {
width: 380px;
padding: 10px 10px 0 10px;
.sidebarSearch .tt-hint {
height: 20px;
border-top: 1px solid #BDBDBD;
border-bottom: 1px solid #BDBDBD;
border-left: none;
border-right: none;
padding: 10px 0 0 0;
width: 0px;
margin: 0;
outline: none;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 14px;
background: #FFFFFF;
color: #BDBDBD;
font-family: 'LatoRegular';
.sidebarSearch .tt-dropdown-menu {
left: -35px !important;
background: #0F1519;
min-width: 440px;
width: 440px;
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dropdown-menu h3 {
font-family: 'vinyl', helvetica, sans-serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
margin: 10px 0 3px 10px;
float: left;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dropdown-menu .limitToMe {
float: left;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
margin-top: 11px;
margin-left: 15px;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dropdown-menu .limitToMeLabel {
float: left;
margin-top: 11px;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dropdown-menu .minimizeResults {
float: right;
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
background: url('/assets/MMCCicon_minimize_arrow.png') no-repeat center center;
background-size: 25px 25px;
cursor: pointer;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dropdown-menu .maximizeResults {
float: right;
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
background: url('/assets/MMCCicon_maximize_arrow.png') no-repeat center center;
background-size: 25px 25px;
cursor: pointer;
.sidebarSearch .tt-suggestions {
font-family: 'LatoLight', helvetica, sans-serif;
overflow: visible;
.sidebarSearch .tt-suggestion {
background: #2A343C;
.sidebarSearch .tt-is-under-cursor,
.sidebarSearch .tt-is-under-mouse-cursor {
background: #0E161D;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-maps .tt-is-under-cursor .resultmap,
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-maps .tt-is-under-mouse-cursor .resultmap,
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .tt-is-under-cursor .resulttopic,
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .tt-is-under-mouse-cursor .resulttopic {
min-height: 57px;
.sidebarSearch .tt-suggestion .icon {
float: left;
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
margin-right: 5px;
.sidebarSearch .topicMetacode {
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
max-width: 70px;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .topicIcon {
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .tt-is-under-cursor .topicIcon,
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .tt-is-under-mouse-cursor .topicIcon {
margin: 0 auto;
padding-left: 2px
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .metacodeTip {
display: none;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .tt-is-under-cursor .metacodeTip,
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-topics .tt-is-under-mouse-cursor .metacodeTip {
display: block;
font-family: 'vinyl';
text-transform: uppercase;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 13px;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
text-align: center;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-mappers .tt-suggestion .icon {
width: 28px;
height: 28px;
padding: 4px;
.sidebarSearch .resultText {
width: 225px;
display: block;
float: left;
word-wrap: break-word;
.sidebarSearch .resultTitle {
font-weight: normal;
font-family: 'LatoRegular';
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 22px;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 8px;
.sidebarSearch .resultDesc {
font-family: 'LatoItalic';
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 16px;
width: 100%;
padding: 3px 0 6px 0;
.sidebarSearch .tip {
display: none;
.sidebarSearch div.autoOptions {
width: 122px;
float: right;
position: relative;
display: none;
.sidebarSearch .tt-is-under-cursor .autoOptions,
.sidebarSearch .tt-is-under-mouse-cursor .autoOptions {
display: block;
.sidebarSearch .tt-suggestion .resultnoresult .autoOptions {
display: none;
.sidebarSearch .autoOptions button,
.sidebarSearch .autoOptions a,
.sidebarSearch .autoOptions div {
position: absolute;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border: none;
outline: none;
.sidebarSearch button.addToMap {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_add.png) no-repeat center center;
background-size: 18px 18px;
top: 30px;
left: 84px;
cursor: pointer;
.sidebarSearch div.goTo {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_pop-out.png) no-repeat center center;
background-size: 18px 18px;
top: 7px;
left: 84px;
.sidebarSearch div.mapCount {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_map.png) no-repeat 0px center;
background-size: 14px 14px;
top: 7px;
left: 38px;
padding-left: 18px;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 20px;
.sidebarSearch div.topicCount {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_topic.png) no-repeat 0px center;
background-size: 14px 14px;
top: 7px;
left: 39px;
padding-left: 18px;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 20px;
.sidebarSearch div.synapseCount {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_synapse.png) no-repeat 0px center;
background-size: 15px 15px;
top: 30px;
left: 38px;
padding-left: 19px;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 20px;
.sidebarSearch div.topicOriginatorIcon {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_mapper.png) no-repeat center center;
background-size: 17px 17px;
top: 7px;
left: 13px;
.sidebarSearch .tip {
position: absolute;
background: white;
width: auto;
bottom: 0;
right: 25px;
color: black;
white-space: nowrap;
border-radius: 4px;
font-size: 15px !important;
font-family: 'LatoRegular';
line-height: 17px;
padding: 3px 5px 2px;
z-index: 100;
.sidebarSearch .mapCount .tip,
.sidebarSearch .synapseCount .tip,
.sidebarSearch .topicCount .tip {
right: -3px;
bottom: 24px;
.sidebarSearch .hoverForTip:hover .tip {
display: block;
.sidebarSearch .mapContributorsIcon .mapContributors {
right: 0;
bottom: 21px;
white-space: normal;
width: 200px;
.sidebarSearch div.mapContributorsIcon {
height: 20px;
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_mapper.png) no-repeat 0px center;
background-size: 17px 17px;
top: 7px;
right: 85px;
padding-left: 19px;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 20px;
padding-right: 5px;
.sidebarSearch div.topicPermission,
.sidebarSearch div.mapPermission {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background-size: 19px 19px !important;
top: 30px;
left: 13px;
.sidebarSearch div.topicPermission.commons,
.sidebarSearch div.mapPermission.commons {
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_commons.png) no-repeat center center;
.sidebarSearch div.topicPermission.public,
.sidebarSearch div.mapPermission.public {
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_public.png) no-repeat center center;
.sidebarSearch div.topicPermission.private,
.sidebarSearch div.mapPermission.private {
background: url(/assets/MMCCicon_private.png) no-repeat center center;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-mappers a.goTo {
top: 7px;
.sidebarSearch .tt-dataset-mappers div.mapCount {
top: 8px;
/* end search */
/* end upperLeftUI */
/* upperRightUI */
.upperRightUI {
position: fixed;
top: 10px;
right: 24px;
.upperRightUI .upperRightEl {
float: left;
.upperRightBox {
position: fixed;
background-color: #E5E5E5;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.23), 0 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.16);
.upperRightMapButtons {
position: relative;
top: -42px; /* puts it just offscreen */
.mapPage .upperRightMapButtons {
top: 0;
/*.upperRightMapButtons.animations {
-webkit-transition-property: top;
-moz-transition-property: top;
-o-transition-property: top;
-ms-transition-property: top;
transition-property: top;
/* end upperRightUI */
/* infoAndHelp */
.infoAndHelp {
position: fixed;
bottom: 24px;
right: 66px;
z-index: 3;
width: auto;
padding: 1px 10px 0px 10px;
font-style: italic;
height: 32px;
.infoElement {
width: 32px;
cursor: pointer;
.openCheatsheet {
background: url('MMCCicon_help.png') no-repeat center center;
background-size: 27px 27px;
.mapInfo {
position: relative;
top: 56px; /* puts it just offscreen */
background: url('MMCCicon_info.png') no-repeat center center;
background-size: 19px 19px;
.mapPage .mapInfo {
top: 0;
/*.mapInfo.animations {
-webkit-transition-property: top;
-moz-transition-property: top;
-o-transition-property: top;
-ms-transition-property: top;
transition-property: top;
/* end infoAndHelp */
/* mapControls */
.mapControls {
position: fixed;
bottom: 24px;
right:-32px; /* puts it just offscreen */
z-index: 3;
.mapPage .mapControls {
right: 24px;
/*.mapControls.animations {
-webkit-transition-property: right;
-moz-transition-property: right;
-o-transition-property: right;
-ms-transition-property: right;
transition-property: right;
.mapControl {
background-color: #424242;
.centerMap, .zoomExtents {
border-radius: 2px;
.zoomIn {
border-top-left-radius: 2px;
border-top-right-radius: 2px;
.zoomOut {
border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
/* end mapControls */
/* explore maps */
.exploreMapsBar {
.exploreMapsMenu {
display: block;
width: 100%;
.exploreMapsCenter {
width: 700px;
margin: 0 auto;
.exploreMapsCenter a {
color: #757575;
cursor: default;
font-weight: normal;
font-family: 'din-medium';
font-size: 14px;
height: 14px;
padding-top: 16px;
display: inline-block;
padding-bottom: 12px;
.exploreMapsCenter {
text-decoration: none;
.exploreMapsCenter a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: #424242;
.mapsWrapper {
margin: 100px 60px 0 60px;
display: none;
.explorePage .mapsWrapper {
/* end explore maps */
/* toast */
.toast {
background-color: #323232;
color: #F5F5F5;
padding: 16px;
border-radius: 2px;
z-index: 1;
font-size: 14px;
/* end toast */

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
// Place all the styles related to the InMetacodeSets controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
// Place all the styles related to the main controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
// Place all the styles related to the mapping controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
// Place all the styles related to the maps controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:
// explore maps page
.mapOrder {
display: block;
padding:5px 15px;
margin:5px auto 0;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 24px;
position: relative;
.mapOrder .displaying, .mapOrder .whichMaps {
.whichMaps a {
color: white;
text-decoration: underline;
padding: 0 10px;
.whichMaps {
text-decoration: none;
.whichMaps a:hover {
text-decoration: none;

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
// Place all the styles related to the MetacodeSets controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
// Place all the styles related to the sessions controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
// Place all the styles related to the Topics controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:

View file

@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ class MainController < ApplicationController
#@maps = Map.order("updated_at DESC").where("permission != ?", "private").limit(3)
@maps = Map.order("name ASC").find_all_by_user_id(
respond_with(@maps, @current)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { respond_with(@maps, @current) }

View file

@ -19,25 +19,32 @@ class MapsController < ApplicationController
@current = current_user
@user = nil
if request.path =="/explore/active"
if request.path.index("/explore/active") != nil
@maps = Map.order("updated_at DESC").limit(20)
@request = "active"
elsif request.path =="/explore/featured"
elsif request.path.index("/explore/featured") != nil
@maps = Map.order("name ASC").find_all_by_featured(true)
@request = "featured"
elsif request.path == "/explore/new"
elsif request.path.index("/explore/new") != nil
@maps = Map.order("created_at DESC").limit(20)
@request = "new"
elsif request.path.index('/explore/mine') != nil # looking for maps by me
if !authenticated?
redirect_to activemaps_url and return
@maps = Map.order("name ASC").find_all_by_user_id(
@request = "you"
elsif request.path.index('/maps/mappers/') != nil # looking for maps by a mapper
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@maps = Map.order("name ASC").find_all_by_user_id(
@request = "you" if authenticated? && @user == @current
@request = "other" if authenticated? && @user != @current
elsif request.path.index('/maps/topics/') != nil # looking for maps by a certain topic they include
elsif request.path.index('/explore/topics/') != nil # looking for maps by a certain topic they include
@topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current)
if !@topic
redirect_to featuredmaps_url, notice: "Access denied." and return
@ -47,10 +54,15 @@ class MapsController < ApplicationController
#read this next line as 'delete a map if its private and you're either 1. logged out or 2. logged in but not the map creator
@maps.delete_if {|m| m.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != m.user_id)) }
if @maps
@maps.delete_if {|m| m.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != m.user_id)) }
@maps = []
respond_to do |format|
format.html { respond_with(@maps, @request, @user) }
format.json { render json: @maps }
@ -68,11 +80,17 @@ class MapsController < ApplicationController
@alltopics = @map.topics # should limit to topics visible to user
@allsynapses = @map.synapses # should also be limited
@allmappings = @map.mappings
@allmetacodes = Metacode.all
@json =
@json['map'] = @map
@json['topics'] = @alltopics
@json['synapses'] = @allsynapses
@json['mappings'] = @allmappings
@json['mappers'] = @allmappers
respond_to do |format|
format.html { respond_with(@allmappers, @allmetacodes, @allmappings, @allsynapses, @alltopics, @map, @user) }
format.json { render json: @map }
format.html { respond_with(@allmappers, @allmappings, @allsynapses, @alltopics, @map, @user) }
format.json { render json: @json }

View file

@ -7,12 +7,15 @@
<% account = current_user %>
<h3 class="accountHeader">Hello <%=[0...1][0] %>!</h3>
<li class="accountIcon accountSettings"><%= link_to "Account", edit_user_url(account) %></li>
<li class="accountIcon accountSettings"><%= link_to "Account", edit_user_url(account),
:data => { :bypass => 'true'} %></li>
<% if account.admin %>
<li class="accountIcon accountAdmin"><%= link_to "Admin", metacodes_path %></li>
<li class="accountIcon accountAdmin"><%= link_to "Admin", metacodes_path,
:data => { :bypass => 'true'} %></li>
<% end %>
<li class="accountIcon accountInvite openLightbox" data-open="invite"><span>Share Invite</span></li>
<li class="accountIcon accountLogout"><%= link_to "Logout", "/sign_out", id: "Logout" %></li>
<li class="accountIcon accountLogout"><%= link_to "Logout", "/sign_out", id: "Logout",
:data => { :bypass => 'true'} %></li>
<% else %>
<h3 class="accountHeader">Sign In</h3>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<!--<div class="exploreMapsBar exploreElement animations">
<div class="exploreMapsMenu">
<div class="exploreMapsCenter">
<% if authenticated? %>
<a href="/" class="active">My Maps</a>
<% end %>
<a href="/explore/active">Recently Active</a>
<a href="/explore/featured">Featured</a>
<a href="/explore/new">New</a>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
</div> <!-- end exploreMapsCenter
</div> <!-- end exploreMapsMenu
</div> <!-- end exploreMapsBar -->
<div class="mapsWrapper exploreElement">
<% if @maps %>
<% @maps.each do |map| %>
<%= render map %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>

View file

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/newmap' %>
<% if (controller_name == "maps" || controller_name == "topics" ) && action_name == "show" %>
<div class="lightboxContent" id="forkmap">
<%= render :partial => 'shared/forkmap' %>
@ -62,7 +61,6 @@
<div class="lightboxContent" id="switchMetacodes">
<%= render :partial => 'shared/switchmetacodes' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<div class="mapControls mapElement animations">
<div class="zoomExtents mapControl">E</div>
<div class="centerMap mapControl">C</div>
<div class="zoomIn mapControl">+</div>
<div class="zoomOut mapControl">-</div>
<div class="infoAndHelp">
<div class="mapInfo infoElement mapElement animations">
<%= render :partial => 'maps/mapinfobox' %>
<div class="openCheatsheet openLightbox infoElement" data-open="cheatsheet"></div>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
<script type="text/template" id="mapCardTemplate">
<div class="map" id="{{id}}">
<div class="permission {{editPermission}}"> <!-- must be canEdit or cannotEdit -->
<div class="mapCard">
<span class="title">
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@
<div class="tip">Created by {{username}} on {{createdAt}}</div>
<div class="linkItem topicCount">{{topicCount}}</div>
<div class="linkItem synapseCount">[{synapseCount}}</div>
<div class="linkItem synapseCount">{{synapseCount}}</div>
<div class="linkItem mapPerm {{mkPermission}}"></div>
<a href="/maps/{{id}}" class="linkItem topicPopout"></a>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<script type="text/template" id="topicSearchTemplate">

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
<!-- from left to right on the screen -->
<div class="upperLeftUI">
<!-- home button -->
<div class="homeButton">
<a href="<%= root_url %>"></a>
</div> <!-- end homeButton -->
<!-- search box -->
<div class="sidebarSearch">
<input type="text" class="sidebarSearchField"></input>
<div class="sidebarSearchIcon"></div>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
</div> <!-- end sidebarSearch -->
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
</div><!-- end upperLeftUI -->
<div class="upperRightUI">
<div class="mapElement upperRightEl upperRightMapButtons animations">
<% if authenticated? %>
<!-- Realtime -->
<div class="sidebarCollaborate upperRightEl">
<div class="sidebarCollaborateIcon blue"></div>
<div class="sidebarCollaborateBox upperRightBox">
<h3 class="realtimeBoxTitle">Realtime: </h3>
<span class="realtimeOnOff rtOn">ON</span>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<div class="realtimeMapperList">
<li class="rtMapper littleRtOn rtMapperSelf">
<%= %> (me)
</div> <!-- end sidebarCollaborate a.k.a realtime -->
<% end %>
<!-- filtering -->
<div class="sidebarFilter upperRightEl">
<div class="sidebarFilterIcon"></div>
<div class="sidebarFilterBox upperRightBox">
<%= render :partial => 'shared/filterBox' %>
</div> <!-- end sidebarFilter -->
<% if authenticated? %>
<!-- fork map -->
<div class="sidebarFork upperRightEl">
<div class="sidebarForkIcon"></div>
</div> <!-- end sidebarFork -->
<% end %>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
</div> <!-- end mapElement -->
<% if authenticated? %>
<!-- create new map -->
<div class="addMap openLightbox upperRightEl" data-open="newmap">
</div><!-- end addMap -->
<% end %>
<!-- Account / Sign in -->
<div class="sidebarAccount upperRightEl">
<div class="sidebarAccountIcon">
<% if user && user.image %>
<%= image_tag user.image.url(:thumb), :size => "32x32" %>
<% elsif !authenticated? %>
<% end %>
<div class="sidebarAccountBox upperRightBox">
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/account' %>
</div><!-- end sidebarAccount -->
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
</div><!-- end upperRightUI -->

View file

@ -6,23 +6,40 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%=h yield(:title) %></title>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<% if (controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "show" || action_name == "embed") ||
(controller_name == "topics" && action_name == "show") %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "compileMapPages" %>
<% end %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}</script>
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<title><%=h yield(:title) %></title>
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "compileMapPages" %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}</script>
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<script type="text/javascript">
require.config({baseUrl: '/assets/src/'});
<body class="<%= (action_name == "show") ? "mapBody" : "" %>" >
<% if notice %>
<p class="notice metamaps"><%= notice %></p>
@ -33,37 +50,37 @@
<%= content_tag :div, class: authenticated? ? "main authenticated" : "main unauthenticated" do %>
<div class="wrapper <%= controller_name == "main" && action_name == "home" ? "homePage" : "" %>" id="wrapper">
<div class="homeButton">
<a href="<%= root_url %>"></a>
<div class="sidebarSearch">
<div class="sidebarSearchIcon"></div>
<input type="text" class="sidebarSearchField"></input>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% classes = action_name == "home" ? "homePage" : ""
classes += action_name == "home" && authenticated? ? " explorePage" : ""
classes += controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "index" ? " explorePage" : ""
classes += controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "show" ? " mapPage" : ""
<div class="sidebarAccount">
<div class="sidebarAccountIcon">
<% if user && user.image %><%= image_tag user.image.url(:thumb), :size => "35x35" %><% end %>
<div class="sidebarAccountBox <%= authenticated? ? 'loggedin' : 'loggedout' %>">
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/account' %>
<div class="wrapper <%= classes %>" id="wrapper">
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/upperelements' %>
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/exploremaps' %>
<div class="yield"><%= yield %></div>
<!--<div class="mapElement" id="infovis"></div> <!-- where map visualizations get rendered -->
<div class="showcard mapElement mapElementHidden" id="showcard"></div> <!-- the topic card -->
<% if authenticated? %>
<div class="addMap openLightbox" data-open="newmap"></div>
<% # for creating and pulling in topics and synapses %>
<%= render :partial => 'maps/newtopic' %>
<%= render :partial => 'maps/newsynapse' %>
<% # for populating the change metacode list on the topic card %>
<%= render :partial => 'shared/metacodeoptions' %>
<% end %>
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/lowermapelements' %>
<%= yield %>
<div id="loading"></div>
<div id="famousOverlay"></div>
<div class="footer">
<!--<div class="footer">
<div id="logo">METAMAPS</div>
<% end %>
@ -78,15 +95,19 @@
<% if authenticated? %>
Metamaps.Active.Mapper = <%= user.to_json.html_safe %>
<% else %>
<% else %>
Metamaps.Active.Mapper = null;
<% end %>
Metamaps.Metacodes = <%= Metacode.all.to_json.html_safe %>;
var imgArray = new Object();
<% Metacode.all.each do |m| %>
imgArray['<%= %>'] = new Image(); imgArray['<%= %>'].src = '<%= m.icon %>';
<% end %>
Metamaps.Loading = {
loader: new CanvasLoader('loading')
Metamaps.Loading.loader.setColor('#4fb5c0'); // default is '#000000'
Metamaps.Loading.loader.setDiameter(28); // default is 40
Metamaps.Loading.loader.setDensity(41); // default is 40
Metamaps.Loading.loader.setRange(0.9); // default is 1.3; // Hidden by default
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/googleanalytics' if Rails.env.production? %>

View file

@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
# @file
# Located at /
# Shows 3 most recently created topics, synapses, and maps.
<% content_for :title, "Home | Metamaps" %>
<% if !authenticated? %>
<% content_for :title, "Home | Metamaps" %>
<div id="preloaded-images">
<img src="/assets/metacodes75ms300x300.gif" width="128 height="128" alt="Image 01" />
@ -40,8 +41,8 @@
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<p class="contact">
<a href="/request" class="request button">Request Invite</a>
<a href="#" class="learnmore button openLightbox" data-open="about">Learn More</a>
<a href="/request" class="request button" data-bypass="true">Request Invite</a>
<a href="/explore/featured" class="learnmore button">Explore Featured</a>
<div class="featuredMaps">
explore featured maps from our community
@ -59,18 +60,13 @@
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<div class="socialIcons">
<a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a class="google" href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a class="wordpress" href="" target="_blank"></a>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
Metamaps.currentSection = "";
Metamaps.currentPage = "";
$(document).ready(function() {
// flip through these words on the homepage
@ -93,51 +89,16 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
<% elsif authenticated? %>
<div class="mapOrder">
<span class="displaying">Displaying:</span>
<div class="whichMaps">
<a href="/" class="active">My Maps</a> /
<a href="/explore/active">Recently Active</a> /
<a href="/explore/featured">Featured</a> /
<a href="/explore/new">Newest First</a>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% content_for :title, "My Maps | Metamaps" %>
<div class="mapsWrapper">
<div class="maps" id="cards">
<% @maps.each do |map| %>
<%= render map %>
<% end %>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.authenticated div.permission.canEdit .best_in_place').best_in_place();
$('.scroll').each(function(index) {
$(this).height( $(this).height() ).mCustomScrollbar();
// when you change the title, make sure that the description doesn't overflow
$('.best_in_place_name').bind('ajax:success', function() {
var p = $(this).parents('.mapCard').find('.scroll');
p.height( p.height() ).mCustomScrollbar('update');
// when you change the description, update the scroll box field
$('.best_in_place_desc').bind('ajax:success', function() {
var s = $(this).parents('.scroll');
s.height( s.height() ).mCustomScrollbar('update');
<% end %>
Metamaps.Maps.Mine = <%= @maps.to_json.html_safe %>;
Metamaps.currentSection = "";
Metamaps.currentPage = "";
Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.isOpen = true;
<% end %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Partial rendering form for a new topic on a map
# This code is called when viewing a metamap in show.html.erb in the views/maps folder
<div class="mapInfoBox permission <%= @map.user == user ? " yourMap" : "" %><%= @map.authorize_to_edit(user) ? " canEdit" : "" %>">
<div class="mapInfoName"><%= best_in_place @map, :name, :type => :input, :classes => 'best_in_place_name' %></div>
<div class="mapInfoStat">
<div class="infoStatIcon mapContributors hoverForTip">
<%= @map.contributors.count %>
<% contributorList = ''
@map.contributors.each_with_index do |c, index|
comma = (index+1) == @map.contributors.count ? '' : ', '
contributorList += + comma
if @map.contributors.count == 0
contributorList = 'No one has added anything yet.'
end %>
<div class="tip"><%= contributorList %></div>
<div class="infoStatIcon mapTopics">
<%= @map.topics.count %>
<div class="infoStatIcon mapSynapses">
<%= @map.synapses.count %>
<div class="infoStatIcon mapPermission <%= @map.permission %> hoverForTip">
<% if @map.user == user %>
<div class="tip">As the creator, you can change the permission of this map, but the permissions of the topics and synapses on it must be changed independently.</div>
<% end %>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% if (authenticated? && @map.authorize_to_edit(user)) || (!authenticated? && @map.desc != "" && @map.desc != nil )%>
<div class="mapInfoDesc">
<%= best_in_place @map, :desc, :type => :textarea, :nil => "Click to add description.", :classes => 'best_in_place_desc' %>
<% end %>
<div class="mapInfoMeta">
<p>Created by <%= @map.user == user ? "you" : %> on <%= @map.created_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %></p>
<p>Last edited <%= @map.updated_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %></p>
<div class="mapInfoDelete">
<% if @map.user == user %>
<%= link_to 'Delete', map_path(@map), :class => 'delete', :confirm => 'Delete this map (nodes and synapses will remain)?', :method => :delete %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# Partial rendering form for a new topic on a map
# This code is called when viewing a metamap in show.html.erb in the views/maps folder
<div class="mapInfoBox permission <%= @map.user == user ? " yourMap" : "" %><%= @map.authorize_to_edit(user) ? " canEdit" : "" %>">
<% if @map %>
<div class="mapInfoBox mapElement mapElementHidden permission <%= @map.user == user ? " yourMap" : "" %><%= @map.authorize_to_edit(user) ? " canEdit" : "" %>">
<div class="mapInfoName"><%= best_in_place @map, :name, :type => :input, :classes => 'best_in_place_name' %></div>
@ -50,3 +51,39 @@
<% end %>
<% else %>
<div class="mapInfoBox mapElement mapElementHidden permission {{canEdit}}">
<div class="mapInfoName">{{name}}</div>
<div class="mapInfoStat">
<div class="infoStatIcon mapContributors hoverForTip">
<div class="tip">{{contributor_list}}</div>
<div class="infoStatIcon mapTopics">
<div class="infoStatIcon mapSynapses">
<div class="infoStatIcon mapPermission {{permission}} hoverForTip">
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<div class="mapInfoDesc">
<div class="mapInfoMeta">
<p>Created by {{user_name}} on {{created_at}}</p>
<p>Last edited {{updated_at}}</p>
<div class="mapInfoDelete">
<% end %>

View file

@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
# @file
# partial generating a new synapse
# TODO: Where is this code used?
<div class="anypage">
<%= form_for, url: synapses_url, remote: true do |form| %>
<%= form.text_field :desc, :placeholder => "describe the connection..." %>
<% end %>
<%= form_for, url: synapses_url, remote: true do |form| %>
<%= form.text_field :desc, :placeholder => "describe the connection..." %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
# Partial rendering form for a new topic on a map
# This code is called when viewing a metamap in show.html.erb in the views/maps folder
<div class="anypage">
<%= form_for, url: topics_url, remote: true do |form| %>
<div class="openMetacodeSwitcher openLightbox" data-open="switchMetacodes"></div>
<div id="metacodeImg">
@ -35,4 +30,3 @@
<% end %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -6,55 +6,21 @@
<% content_for :title, "Explore Maps | Metamaps" %>
<div class="mapOrder">
<span class="displaying">Displaying:</span>
<div class="whichMaps">
<% if @request == "other" %>
<a href="/maps/mappers/<%= %>" class="active">By <%= %></a> /
<% end %>
<% if @request == "topic" %>
<a href="/maps/topics/<%= %>" class="active">Maps Containing Topic <%= %>: "<%= %>"</a>
<% end %>
<% if @request != "topic" %>
<% if authenticated? %>
<a href="/maps/mappers/<%= %>" class="<%= @request == "you" ? "active" : "" %>">My Maps</a> /
<% end %>
<a href="/explore/active" class="<%= @request == "active" ? "active" : "" %>">Recently Active</a> /
<a href="/explore/featured" class="<%= @request == "featured" ? "active" : "" %>">Featured</a> /
<a href="/explore/new" class="<%= @request == "new" ? "active" : "" %>">Newest First</a>
<% end %>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<div class="mapsWrapper">
<div class="maps" id="cards">
<% @maps.each do |map| %>
<%= render map %>
<% end %>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.authenticated div.permission.canEdit .best_in_place').best_in_place();
$('.scroll').each(function(index) {
$(this).height( $(this).height() ).mCustomScrollbar();
// when you change the title, make sure that the description doesn't overflow
$('.best_in_place_name').bind('ajax:success', function() {
var p = $(this).parents('.mapCard').find('.scroll');
p.height( p.height() ).mCustomScrollbar('update');
// when you change the description, update the scroll box field
$('.best_in_place_desc').bind('ajax:success', function() {
var s = $(this).parents('.scroll');
s.height( s.height() ).mCustomScrollbar('update');
<% if @request == "active" %>
Metamaps.Maps.Active = <%= @maps.to_json.html_safe %>;
Metamaps.currentPage = "active";
<% elsif @request == "featured" %>
Metamaps.Maps.Featured = <%= @maps.to_json.html_safe %>;
Metamaps.currentPage = "featured";
<% elsif @request == "new" %>
Metamaps.Maps.New = <%= @maps.to_json.html_safe %>;
Metamaps.currentPage = "new";
<% elsif @request == "you" %>
Metamaps.Maps.Mine = <%= @maps.to_json.html_safe %>;
Metamaps.currentPage = "mine";
<% end %>
Metamaps.currentSection = "explore";
Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.isOpen = true;

View file

@ -6,77 +6,9 @@
<% content_for :title, + " | Metamaps" %>
<div id="preloaded-images">
<img src="/assets/MMCCicon_realtime_blue.png" />
<% if authenticated? %>
<div class="sidebarFork">
<div class="sidebarForkIcon">
<div class="sidebarForkBox"></div>
<% if @map.permission == "commons" || @map.user == user %>
<div class="sidebarCollaborate">
<div class="sidebarCollaborateIcon blue"></div>
<div class="sidebarCollaborateBox">
<h3 class="realtimeBoxTitle">Realtime: </h3>
<span class="realtimeOnOff rtOn">ON</span>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<div class="realtimeMapperList">
<li class="rtMapper littleRtOn rtMapperSelf">
<%= %> (me)
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="sidebarFilter <%= authenticated? ? 'loggedin' : 'loggedout' %>">
<div class="sidebarFilterIcon"></div>
<div class="sidebarFilterBox">
<%= render :partial => 'shared/filterBox' %>
<div class="zoomIn">+</div>
<div class="zoomOut">-</div>
<div class="centerMap">C</div>
<div class="zoomExtents">E</div>
<div class="index">
<div class="openCheatsheet openLightbox" data-open="cheatsheet"></div>
<span class="mapInfo"></span>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<%= render :partial => 'maps/mapinfobox' %>
<div class="maps onMap" id="container">
<div id="center-container">
<div id="infovis"></div>
<div class="showcard" id="showcard"></div>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% if authenticated? %>
<% # add these if you have edit permissions on the map %>
<% if @map.permission == "commons" || @map.user == user %>
<% # for creating and pulling in topics and synapses %>
<%= render :partial => 'newtopic' %>
<%= render :partial => 'newsynapse' %>
<% end %>
<% # for populating the change metacode list on the topic card %>
<%= render :partial => 'shared/metacodeoptions' %>
<% end %>
Metamaps.currentSection = "map";
Metamaps.currentPage = <%= %>;
Metamaps.Active.Map = <%= @map.to_json.html_safe %>;
Metamaps.Mappers = <%= @allmappers.to_json.html_safe %>;
Metamaps.Metacodes = <%= @allmetacodes.to_json.html_safe %>;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<h1 class='index'>
Metacode Sets
<div class='blackBox'>
<%= render :partial => 'admin/adminpanel' %>
<br />

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<h1 class='index'>
New Metacode Set
<div class='blackBox'>
<%= render 'form' %>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<h1 class='index'>
<%= %>
<div class='blackBox'>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<h1 class='index'>
<div class='blackBox'>
<%= render :partial => 'admin/adminpanel' %>
<br />

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<h1 class='index'>
New Metacode
<div class='blackBox'>
<%= render 'form' %>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
<h1 class='index'>
<%= %>
<div class='blackBox'>

View file

@ -16,41 +16,43 @@
#for synapses on the map. @synapses get filled with all synapses on the map
#and metacodes is filled with all the metacodes that are being used on the map.
@map.topics.each_with_index do |topic, index|
if @metacodes.index(topic.metacode) == nil
if @mappers.index(topic.user) == nil
@map.synapses.each_with_index do |synapse, index|
if @synapses.index{|s| s.desc == synapse.desc} == nil
if @map
@map.topics.each_with_index do |topic, index|
if @metacodes.index(topic.metacode) == nil
if @mappers.index(topic.user) == nil
if @mappers.index(synapse.user) == nil
@map.synapses.each_with_index do |synapse, index|
if @synapses.index{|s| s.desc == synapse.desc} == nil
if @mappers.index(synapse.user) == nil
@metacodes.sort! {|x,y| <=> }
@synapses.sort! {|x,y| x.desc <=> y.desc }
@mappers.sort! {|x,y| <=> }
@metacodes.each_with_index do |metacode, index|
@metacodelist += '<li data-id="' + + '">'
@metacodelist += '<img src="' + metacode.icon + '" data-id="' + + '" alt="' + + '" />'
@metacodelist += '<p>' + + '</p></li>'
@synapses.each_with_index do |synapse, index|
@synapselist += '<li data-id="' + synapse.desc + '">'
@synapselist += '<img src="/assets/synapsevisualize.png" alt="synapse icon" /><p>' + synapse.desc
@synapselist += '</p></li>'
@mappers.each_with_index do |mapper, index|
@mapperlist += '<li data-id="' + + '">'
@mapperlist += '<img src="/assets/icons/person.png" data-id="' + + '" alt="' + + '" />'
@mapperlist += '<p>' + + '</p></li>'
@metacodes.sort! {|x,y| <=> }
@synapses.sort! {|x,y| x.desc <=> y.desc }
@mappers.sort! {|x,y| <=> }
@metacodes.each_with_index do |metacode, index|
@metacodelist += '<li data-id="' + + '">'
@metacodelist += '<img src="' + metacode.icon + '" data-id="' + + '" alt="' + + '" />'
@metacodelist += '<p>' + + '</p></li>'
@synapses.each_with_index do |synapse, index|
@synapselist += '<li data-id="' + synapse.desc + '">'
@synapselist += '<img src="/assets/synapsevisualize.png" alt="synapse icon" /><p>' + synapse.desc
@synapselist += '</p></li>'
@mappers.each_with_index do |mapper, index|
@mapperlist += '<li data-id="' + + '">'
@mapperlist += '<img src="/assets/icons/person.png" data-id="' + + '" alt="' + + '" />'
@mapperlist += '<p>' + + '</p></li>'
<div class="filterBox">

View file

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
<% content_for :title, + "'s Settings | Metamaps" %>
<h1 class="index">Your Settings</h1>
<%= formula_form_for @user, url: user_url do |form| %>
<h3>Edit Account</h3>
<label for="user_image">Profile Picture</label>

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Metamaps::Application.routes.draw do
match 'explore/active', to: 'maps#index', via: :get, as: :activemaps
match 'explore/featured', to: 'maps#index', via: :get, as: :featuredmaps
match 'explore/new', to: 'maps#index', via: :get, as: :newmaps
match 'explore/mine', to: 'maps#index', via: :get, as: :mymaps
match 'maps/mappers/:id', to: 'maps#index', via: :get, as: :usermaps
match 'maps/topics/:id', to: 'maps#index', via: :get, as: :topicmaps
resources :maps, except: [:new, :edit]