removed extra files
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 0 additions and 1005 deletions
@ -1,804 +0,0 @@
// This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.js, which will include all the files
// listed below.
// Any JavaScript/Coffee file within this directory, lib/assets/javascripts, vendor/assets/javascripts,
// or vendor/assets/javascripts of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.
// It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
// the compiled file.
// require autocomplete-rails-uncompressed
//= require jquery
//= require jquery-ui
//= require jquery.purr
//= require jquery.lettering
//= require jquery.textillate
//= require jquery.roundabout.min
//= require best_in_place
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require_tree .
// other options are 'graph'
var viewMode = "list";
var labelType, useGradients, nativeTextSupport, animate, json, Mconsole = null, gType, tempNode = null, tempInit = false, tempNode2 = null, metacodeIMGinit = false, goRealtime = false, mapid = null, mapperm = false, touchPos, touchDragNode, mouseIsDown = false;
$(document).ready(function() {
function bindMainMenuHover() {
var menuIsOpen = false
// controls the sliding hover of the bottom left menu
var sliding1 = false;
var lT;
var closeMenu = function() {
lT = setTimeout(function() {
if (! sliding1) {
sliding1 = true;
// $('.footer .menu').animate({
// height: '0px'
// }, 300, function() {
// sliding1 = false;
// menuIsOpen = false;
// });
}, 200);
$('.footer .menu').fadeOut(200, function() {
sliding1 = false;
menuIsOpen = false;
var openMenu = function() {
if (! sliding1) {
sliding1 = true;
// $('.footer .menu').animate({
// height: listLength + 'px'
// }, 300, function() {
// sliding1 = false;
// });
}, 200);
$('.footer .menu').fadeIn(200, function() {
sliding1 = false;
// bind the hover events
$(".logo").hover(openMenu, closeMenu);
// when on touch screen, make touching on the logo do what hovering does on desktop
$("#mainTitle a").bind('touchend', function(evt) {
if (!menuIsOpen) {
function bindSearchHover() {
var searchIsOpen = false
// controls the sliding hover of the search
var sliding1 = false;
var lT;
var openSearch = function() {
if (!sliding1 && !searchIsOpen) {
sliding1 = true;
$('.sidebarSearch .twitter-typeahead, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint, .sidebarSearchField').animate({
width: '200px'
}, 200, function() {
$('.sidebarSearchField, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint').css({padding:'5px 10px', width:'180px'});
sliding1 = false
searchIsOpen = true;
var closeSearch = function(closeAfter) {
lT = setTimeout(function() {
if (!sliding1 && searchIsOpen && $('.sidebarSearchField').val() == '') {
sliding1 = true;
$('.sidebarSearchField, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint').css({padding:'5px 0', width:'200px'});
$('.sidebarSearch .twitter-typeahead, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint, .sidebarSearchField').animate({
width: '0'
}, 200, function() {
sliding1 = false;
searchIsOpen = false;
// bind the hover events
$(".sidebarSearch").hover(function(){ openSearch() }, function() { closeSearch(800) });
$('.sidebarSearchIcon').click(function(e) {
$('.sidebarSearch').click(function(e) {
$('body').click(function(e) {
// if the search is closed and user hits SHIFT+S
$('body').bind('keyup', function(e) {
switch(e.which) {
case 83:
if (e.shiftKey && !searchIsOpen) {
default: break; //console.log(e.which);
// initialize the search box autocomplete results
var mapheader = userid ? '<h3 class="search-header">Maps</h3><input type="checkbox" class="limitToMe" id="limitMapsToMe"></input><label for="limitMapsToMe" class="limitToMeLabel">added by me</label><div class="minimizeResults minimizeMapResults"></div><div class="clearfloat"></div>' : '<h3 class="search-header">Maps</h3><div class="minimizeResults minimizeMapResults"></div><div class="clearfloat"></div>';
var topicheader = userid ? '<h3 class="search-header">Topics</h3><input type="checkbox" class="limitToMe" id="limitTopicsToMe"></input><label for="limitTopicsToMe" class="limitToMeLabel">added by me</label><div class="minimizeResults minimizeTopicResults"></div><div class="clearfloat"></div>' : '<h3 class="search-header">Topics</h3><div class="minimizeResults minimizeTopicResults"></div><div class="clearfloat"></div>';
name: 'topics',
dupChecker: function (datum1,datum2) {
return false;
template: $('.topicTemplate').html(),
remote: {
url: '/search/topics?term=%QUERY',
replace: function () {
var q = '/search/topics?term=' + $('.sidebarSearchField').val();
if ($("#limitTopicsToMe").is(':checked')) {
q += "&user=" + userid.toString();
return q;
filter: function(dataset) {
if (dataset.length == 0) {
value: "No results",
label: "No results",
typeImageURL: "/assets/wildcard.png",
rtype: "noresult"
return dataset;
engine: Hogan,
header: topicheader
name: 'maps',
dupChecker: function (datum1,datum2) {
return false;
template: $('.mapTemplate').html(),
remote: {
url: '/search/maps?term=%QUERY',
replace: function () {
var q = '/search/maps?term=' + $('.sidebarSearchField').val();
if ($("#limitMapsToMe").is(':checked')) {
q += "&user=" + userid.toString();
return q;
filter: function(dataset) {
if (dataset.length == 0) {
value: "No results",
label: "No results",
rtype: "noresult"
return dataset;
engine: Hogan,
header: mapheader
name: 'mappers',
dupChecker: function (datum1,datum2) {
return false;
template: $('.mapperTemplate').html(),
remote: {
url: '/search/mappers?term=%QUERY',
filter: function(dataset) {
if (dataset.length == 0) {
value: "No results",
label: "No results",
rtype: "noresult"
return dataset;
engine: Hogan,
header: '<h3 class="search-header">Mappers</h3><div class="minimizeResults minimizeMapperResults"></div><div class="clearfloat"></div>'
// tell the autocomplete to launch a new tab with the topic, map, or mapper you clicked on
$('.sidebarSearchField').bind('typeahead:selected', function (event, datum, dataset) {
if (datum.rtype != "noresult") {
var win;
if (dataset == "topics") {
||||||'/topics/' +, '_blank');
else if (dataset == "maps") {
||||||'/maps/' +, '_blank');
else if (dataset == "mappers") {
||||||'/maps/mappers/' +, '_blank');
var checkboxChangeInit = false, minimizeInit = false;
$('.sidebarSearchField').bind('keyup', function () {
// when the user selects 'added by me' resend the query with their userid attached
if (!checkboxChangeInit) {
$('.limitToMe').bind("change", function(e) {
// set the value of the search equal to itself to retrigger the autocomplete event
searchIsOpen = false;
setTimeout(function() { searchIsOpen = true; }, 2000);
checkboxChangeInit = true;
// when the user clicks minimize section, hide the results for that section
if (!minimizeInit) {
$('.minimizeMapperResults').click(function(e) {
var s = $('.tt-dataset-mappers .tt-suggestions');
if (s.css('height') == '0px') {
$('.tt-dataset-mappers .tt-suggestions').css({'height':'auto','overflow':'visible'});
} else {
$('.tt-dataset-mappers .tt-suggestions').css({'height':'0','overflow':'hidden'});
$('.minimizeTopicResults').click(function(e) {
var s = $('.tt-dataset-topics .tt-suggestions');
if (s.css('height') == '0px') {
} else {
s.css({'height':'0','border-top':'1px solid rgb(56, 56, 56)','overflow':'hidden'});
$('.minimizeMapResults').click(function(e) {
var s = $('.tt-dataset-maps .tt-suggestions');
if (s.css('height') == '0px') {
} else {
s.css({'height':'0','border-top':'1px solid rgb(56, 56, 56)','overflow':'hidden'});
minimizeInit = true;
$('.sidebarSearch button.addToMap').click(function(event){
} // end bindSearchHover
function bindAccountHover() {
var accountIsOpen = false
// controls the sliding hover of the bottom left menu
var sliding1 = false;
var lT;
var closeAccount = function() {
lT = setTimeout(function() {
if (! sliding1) {
sliding1 = true;
$('.sidebarAccountBox').fadeOut(200, function() {
sliding1 = false;
accountIsOpen = false;
var openAccount = function() {
if (! sliding1) {
sliding1 = true;
// hide the other two
$('.sidebarAccountBox').fadeIn(200, function() {
sliding1 = false;
accountIsOpen = true;
// bind the hover events
$(".sidebarAccount").hover(openAccount, closeAccount);
} // end bindAccountHover
// bind hover events
// disable right click events on the new topic and new synapse input fields
$('#new_topic, #new_synapse').bind('contextmenu', function(e){
return false;
// initialize the autocomplete results for the metacode spinner
name: 'topic_autocomplete',
limit: 8,
template: '<img class="autocompleteSection topicType" width="22" height="22" src="{{typeImageURL}}" alt="{{type}}" title="{{type}}"/><p class="autocompleteSection topicTitle">{{label}}</p><div class="autocompleteSection topicPermission {{permission}}"></div><div class="autocompleteSection topicOriginatorIcon hoverForTip"><span class="tip topicOriginator">{{originator}}</span></div><div class="clearfloat"></div>',
remote: {
url: '/topics/autocomplete_topic?term=%QUERY'
engine: Hogan
// tell the autocomplete to submit the form with the topic you clicked on if you pick from the autocomplete
$('#topic_name').bind('typeahead:selected', function (event, datum, dataset) {
// bind keyboard handlers
$('#topic_name').bind('keyup', function(e) {
switch(e.which) {
case 13:
default: break;
// initialize the autocomplete results for the metacode spinner
name: 'synapse_autocomplete',
template: "{{label}}",
remote: {
url: '/search/synapses?term=%QUERY'
engine: Hogan
name: 'existing_synapses',
limit: 50,
template: $('.synapseTemplate').html(),
remote: {
url: '/search/synapses',
replace: function () {
var q = '/search/synapses?topic1id=' + $('#synapse_topic1id').val() + '&topic2id=' + $('#synapse_topic2id').val();
return q;
engine: Hogan,
header: "<h3>Existing Synapses</h3>"
// tell the autocomplete to submit the form with the topic you clicked on if you pick from the autocomplete
$('#synapse_desc').bind('typeahead:selected', function (event, datum, dataset) {
if ( { // if they clicked on an existing synapse get it
// bind keyboard handlers
$('#synapse_desc').bind('keyup', function(e) {
switch(e.which) {
case 13:
default: break;
// when either form submits, don't leave the page
$('.new_topic, .new_synapse').bind('submit', function(event, data){
// initialize scroll bar for filter by metacode, then hide it and position it correctly again
top: '35px',
right: '-36px'
// initialize metacode spinner and then hide it
$("#metacodeImg").CloudCarousel( {
titleBox: $('#metacodeImgTitle'),
xPos: 150,
yPos: 40,
bringToFront: true
$('#center-container').bind('contextmenu', function(e){
return false;
//bind best_in_place ajax callbacks
$('.best_in_place_desc').bind("ajax:success", function() {
$('.best_in_place_link').bind("ajax:success", function() {
var link = $(this).html();
$(this).parents('.CardOnGraph').find('.go-link').attr('href', link);
//bind lightbox clicks
$('.openLightbox').click(function(event) {
return false;
// bind permission changer events
$('.permIcon').click(function() {
$(this).siblings('#map_permission').val( $(this).attr('data-permission') );
// bind keyboard handlers
$('body').bind('keyup', function(e) {
switch(e.which) {
case 13: enterKeyHandler(e); break;
case 27: escKeyHandler(); break;
default: break; //console.log(e.which);
}); // end document.ready
function addHoverForSettings() {
// controls the sliding hover of the settings for cards
var sliding2 = false;
var lT1,lT2;
function () {
that = this;
lT1 = setTimeout(function() {
if (! sliding2) {
sliding2 = true;
width: '203px',
height: '37px'
}, 300, function() {
sliding2 = false;
}, 300);
function () {
that = this;
lT2 = setTimeout(function() {
if (! sliding2) {
sliding2 = true;
height: '16px',
width: '16px'
}, 300, function() {
sliding2 = false;
//bind best_in_place ajax callbacks
$('.best_in_place_permission').bind("ajax:success", function() {
var permission = $(this).html();
var el = $(this).parents('.cardSettings').find('.mapPerm');
el.attr('title', permission);
if (permission == "commons") el.html("co");
else if (permission == "public") el.html("pu");
else if (permission == "private") el.html("pr");
// this is to save the layout of a map
function saveLayoutAll() {
$('.sidebarSave .tip').html('Saving...');
var coor = "";
if (gType == "arranged" || gType == "chaotic") {
Mconsole.graph.eachNode(function(n) {
coor = coor + n.getData("mappingid") + '/' + n.pos.x + '/' + n.pos.y + ',';
coor = coor.slice(0, -1);
// this is to update the location coordinate of a single node on a map
function saveLayout(id) {
var n = Mconsole.graph.getNode(id);
$('#map_coordinates').val(n.getData("mappingid") + '/' + n.pos.x + '/' + n.pos.y);
dragged = 0;
//setTimeout(function(){$('.wandSaveLayout').html('Save Layout')},1500);
// this is to save your console to a map
function saveToMap() {
var nodes_data = "", synapses_data = "";
var synapses_array = new Array();
Mconsole.graph.eachNode(function(n) {
//don't add to the map if it was filtered out
if (categoryVisible[n.getData('metacode')] == false) {
var x, y;
if (n.pos.x && n.pos.y) {
x = n.pos.x;
y = n.pos.y;
} else {
var x = Math.cos(n.pos.theta) * n.pos.rho;
var y = Math.sin(n.pos.theta) * n.pos.rho;
nodes_data += + '/' + x + '/' + y + ',';
n.eachAdjacency(function(adj) {
//get unique values only
synapses_array = $.grep(synapses_array, function(value, key){
return $.inArray(value, synapses_array) === key;
synapses_data = synapses_array.join();
nodes_data = nodes_data.slice(0, -1);
function fetchRelatives(node) {
var myA = $.ajax({
type: "Get",
url: "/topics/" + + "?format=json",
success: function(data) {
if (gType == "centered") {
Mconsole.busy = true;
Mconsole.op.sum(data, {
type: 'fade',
duration: 500,
hideLabels: false
Mconsole.graph.eachNode(function (n) {
n.eachAdjacency(function (a) {
if (!a.getData('showDesc')) {
a.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'start');
a.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'current');
a.setData('alpha', 0.4, 'end');
Mconsole.busy = false;
else {
Mconsole.op.sum(data, {
type: 'nothing',
/*Mconsole.op.contract(node, {
type: 'replot'
Mconsole.op.expand(node, {
type: 'animate',
transition: $jit.Trans.Elastic.easeOut,
duration: 1000
error: function(){
// @param node = JIT node object
// @param metacode = STRING like "Idea", "Action", etc.
function updateMetacode(node, metacode) {
var mdata = { "topic": { "metacode": metacode } };
type: "PUT",
dataType: 'json',
url: "/topics/" +,
data: mdata,
success: function(data) {
$('.CardOnGraph').find('.metacodeImage').css('background-image', 'url(' + imgArray[metacode].src + ')');
node.setData("metacode", metacode);
$('.metacodeTitle').removeClass('minimize'); // this line flips the pull up arrow to a drop down arrow
setTimeout(function() { $('.metacodeTitle').hide(); $('.showcard .icon').css('z-index','1'); }, 500);
error: function(){
alert('failed to update metacode');
function updateTopicPermission(node, permission) {
var mdata = { "topic": { "permission": permission } };
type: "PUT",
dataType: 'json',
url: "/topics/" +,
data: mdata,
success: function(data) {
$('.showcard .mapPerm').removeClass('co pu pr minimize').addClass( permission.substring(0,2) );
node.setData("permission", permission);
error: function(){
alert('failed to update permission');
function updateSynapsePermission(edge, permission) {
var mdata = { "synapse": { "permission": permission } };
type: "PUT",
dataType: 'json',
url: "/synapses/" +$id,
data: mdata,
success: function(data) {
$('#edit_synapse .mapPerm').removeClass('co pu pr minimize').addClass( permission.substring(0,2) );
$('#edit_synapse .permissionSelect').remove();
edge.setData("permission", permission);
error: function(){
alert('failed to update permission');
function updateMapPermission(mapid, permission) {
var mdata = { "map": { "permission": permission } };
type: "PUT",
dataType: 'json',
url: "/maps/" + mapid,
data: mdata,
success: function(data) {
$('.mapPermission').removeClass('commons public private minimize').addClass( permission );
$('.mapPermission .permissionSelect').remove();
error: function(){
alert('failed to update permission');
function MconsoleReset() {
var tX = Mconsole.canvas.translateOffsetX;
var tY = Mconsole.canvas.translateOffsetY;
var mX = Mconsole.canvas.scaleOffsetX;
var mY = Mconsole.canvas.scaleOffsetY;
function openNodeShowcard(node) {
//populate the card that's about to show with the right topics data
var s = $('.showcard').find('.scroll');
s.height( s.height() ).mCustomScrollbar();
//node.setData('dim', 1, 'current');
MetamapsModel.showcardInUse =;
function openLightbox(which) {
$('#' + which).show();
$('#lightbox_main').css('margin-top', '-' + ($('#lightbox_main').height() / 2) + 'px' );
function cancelMapCreate(id) {
var form = $('#' + id);
if (id == "fork_map") {
return false;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
# @file
# Located at /
# Shows 3 most recently created topics, synapses, and maps.
<% content_for :title, "Possibly Asked Questions | Metamaps" %>
<h1 class="index">
<div class="FAQ">
<div class="question">Who may use <div class="switch minimizeAnswer"></div></div>
<p class="answer">You! We are currently in "beta" mode, meaning that the application is undergoing continuous testing and refinement. During this time, we welcome participants of all ages in this trial process with the understanding that things are evolving, and may hold a few surprises! <a href="">Request an invite</a> if you'd like to explore and build with us - feedback is always welcome.</p>
<div class="question">What does it take to learn to Metamap? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">While the interface may not seem familiar at first, we've designed it to be both intuitive and empowering after a bit of practice. There are only a handful of basic functions, like adding topics and drawing "synapse" connections, that are needed get you going! A handy cheat sheet is available on the canvas for reference while mapping, and we also have an online manual and video tutorials to grasp more advanced functionality. But overall - the best way to learn is to start mapping, and to connect with other mappers in our online community.</p>
<div class="question">What is the platform being used for currently? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">Firstly, check out our <a href="">featured maps</a>! At a basic level, metamaps are great for laying out complex ideas and scenarios. We're seeing maps of creative brainstorms, product design, personal research and learning, project management, and narrative storylines. Some users have been capturing live workshop event documentation, or organizing study groups. We're using it ourselves to organize collaboration and develop strategies for the project. We'd love to see what else you can come up with.</p>
<div class="question">Who made this up? Why? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">The project was launched as an emergent collaboration between designer Gavin Keech, architect Ishan Shapiro, and web developer Connor Turland over the years 2010-12, with input and inspiration from many other peers and projects. Its design draws from the fields of computational cognition, collective intelligence, and human-computer interaction. We continue to design and develop optimal, novel ways to connect people and ideas through visual information. </p>
<div class="question">How is MM different from other "mind mapping" apps? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">First and foremost, metamaps bring people together into a shared knowledge environment. Topics and maps "in the commons" invite collaborative editing and shared insight. As new content and connections are made throughout the system, all users benefit from collective intelligence. Other distinguishing factors on the platform include a focus on real-time collaboration, a flexible visual categorization system via metacode icons, no built-in structural biases, and an intuitive search tool to find content. As the project evolves, we will be building in powerful network and graph analysis techniques which are not currently offered in other mind mapping apps.</p>
<div class="question">Is this an open source project? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<<<<<<< HEAD
<p class="answer off">One of the core principles of our work is the enhancement of the pool of commons resources such as open source technology and shared knowledge. Our basic application framework is licensed as GPL open source on <a href="" target="_blank">Github</a> for anyone to build on, and this public platform is freely accessible online.</p>
<div class="question">How can I find out more about the project? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">Reading here is a great first step. We also suggest browsing our <a href="" target="_blank">blog</a>, visiting the <a href="" target="_blank">Google+ community</a>, or getting in touch by submitting <a onclick=";">feedback</a> through the site. We occasionally host online and in person meetups where you can interact with other mappers and see how people are using the platform. The story continues to unfold, and we'd be glad for you to take part.</p>
<div class="question">How can I participate, or support the project? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">We welcome contributions in many forms. One of the easiest and best things you can do is to keep on mapping your ideas into the commons on the platform! If you're a developer interested in advancing the technology, contact us and take a look around our Github. Designers and others with professional skills can get in touch about opportunities for freelance collaboration through our innovative Open Value Network organizational structure for business development opportunities. Financial contributions are greatly appreciated in support of our work, and can be made by supporting us on <a href="" target="_blank">Flattr</a> or donating <a href="" target="_blank">BitCoin</a>. All financial contributions are transparently recorded in our value accounting system.</p>
<p class="answer off">One of the core principles of our work is the enhancement of the pool of commons resources such as open source technology and shared knowledge. Our basic application framework is licensed as GPL open source on <a href="">Github</a> for anyone to build on, and this public platform is freely accessible online.</p>
<div class="question">How can I find out more about the project? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">Reading here is a great first step. We also suggest browsing our <a href="">blog</a>, visiting the <a href="">Google+ community</a>, or getting in touch by submitting <a onclick=";">feedback</a> through the site. We occasionally host online and in person meetups where you can interact with other mappers and see how people are using the platform. The story continues to unfold, and we'd be glad for you to take part.</p>
<div class="question">How can I participate, or support the project? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">We welcome contributions in many forms. One of the easiest and best things you can do is to keep on mapping your ideas into the commons on the platform! If you're a developer interested in advancing the technology, contact us and take a look around our Github. Designers and others with professional skills can get in touch about opportunities for freelance collaboration through our innovative Open Value Network organizational structure for business development opportunities. Financial contributions are greatly appreciated in support of our work, and can be made by supporting us on <a href="">Flattr</a> or donating <a href="">BitCoin</a>. All financial contributions are transparently recorded in our value accounting system.</p>
>>>>>>> 3a3e6abfe23b8563b5ea6e4d6cf612aa42cafc4f
<div class="question">Are you making money from it? Do you plan to? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">The project has been bootstrapped through our own pockets, lots of time, and more recently, a couple of small grants which are going into supporting our small team to bring it to the next level. Some of us have used as a tool for our own freelance consulting practice, and we are looking at creating hosted and customized instances for different clients as one potential business model. We realize that in order to get the free and open public platform to where we want it to be, we have to be able to support ourselves to continue doing this work. </p>
<div class="question">I'd like to have a new / different feature. Where can I make suggestions and requests? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">New features and functions are continually added to the platform as we seek to optimize the experience there for all users. If you find that something is calling out for addition or improvement, send us a note via <a onclick=";">feedback</a> form or in the online community. The more detail and context you can provide, the better! </p>
<div class="question">I made a cool map...want to check it out? <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">Yes! Send us the link via <a onclick=";">feedback</a> form or flag us on social media. We're always curious what mappers are able to do with the platform, and we'd love to pass great examples around so that others can see.</p>
<div class="question">Someone else changed my cool map (or favorite topic) without asking me...sad face :( <div class="switch"></div></div>
<p class="answer off">If your map / topic was set to Commons permission for editing, than any other logged-in user on the site will be able to make changes. We consider this a feature, not a bug, which encourages collaborative maps and an evolving collective knowledge garden. You can easily avoid unwanted changes by setting your permissions to Public, which others may still view and copy to another version if they wish. Courtesy, care, and the benefit of the doubt will go a long ways towards maintaining a happy, healthy, and productive communal atmosphere on</p>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.FAQ').height( (parseInt($('body').height()) - 40) ).mCustomScrollbar();
$('.FAQ .question').click(function() {
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
<%= formula_form_for @user, url: user_url do |form| %>
<h3>Choose Active Metacodes</h3>
<div class="allMetacodes"><span id="showAll">Show All</span><span id="hideAll">Hide All</span></div>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<div class="editMetacodes">
<ul id="filters-one">
<% $i = 0 %>
<% @m = Metacode.order("name").all %>
<% while $i < (Metacode.all.length / 4) do %>
<li id="<%= @m[$i].id %>" <% if not @m[$i].hasSelected(@user) %>class="toggledOff"<% end %> >
<img src="/assets/<%= @m[$i].icon %>" alt="<%= @m[$i].name %>" />
<p><%= @m[$i].name.downcase %></p>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% $i += 1 %>
<% end %>
<ul id="filters-two">
<% while $i < (Metacode.all.length / 4 * 2) do %>
<li id="<%= @m[$i].id %>" <% if not @m[$i].hasSelected(@user) %>class="toggledOff"<% end %> >
<img src="/assets/<%= @m[$i].icon %>" alt="<%= @m[$i].name %>" />
<p><%= @m[$i].name.downcase %></p>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% $i += 1 %>
<% end %>
<ul id="filters-three">
<% while $i < (Metacode.all.length / 4 * 3) do %>
<li id="<%= @m[$i].id %>" <% if not @m[$i].hasSelected(@user) %>class="toggledOff"<% end %> >
<img src="/assets/<%= @m[$i].icon %>" alt="<%= @m[$i].name %>" />
<p><%= @m[$i].name.downcase %></p>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% $i += 1 %>
<% end %>
<ul id="filters-four">
<% while $i < Metacode.all.length do %>
<li id="<%= @m[$i].id %>" <% if not @m[$i].hasSelected(@user) %>class="toggledOff"<% end %> >
<img src="/assets/<%= @m[$i].icon %>" alt="<%= @m[$i].name %>" />
<p><%= @m[$i].name.downcase %></p>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% $i += 1 %>
<% end %>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
var selectMetacodes = new Array;
var allMetacodes = new Array;
<% Metacode.all.each do |m| %>
<% if m.hasSelected(@user) %>
selectMetacodes.push("<%= %>");
<% end %>
allMetacodes.push("<%= %>");
<% end %>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.editMetacodes li').click(function() {
if ($(this).attr('class') != 'toggledOff') {
var value_to_remove = $(this).attr('id');
selectMetacodes.splice(selectMetacodes.indexOf(value_to_remove), 1);
else if ($(this).attr('class') == 'toggledOff') {
$('#showAll').click(function() {
$('.editMetacodes li').removeClass('toggledOff');
selectMetacodes = allMetacodes;
$('#hideAll').click(function() {
$('.editMetacodes li').addClass('toggledOff');
selectMetacodes = [];
$('.edit_user').bind('submit', function(event) {
if (selectMetacodes.length == 0) {
alert('Would you pretty please select at least one metacode to map with?');
return false;
@m = params[:metacodes][:value]
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
min_messages: WARNING
adapter: postgresql
port: 5432
encoding: unicode
database: metamap002_development
pool: 5
username: postgres
password: "3112"
min_messages: WARNING
adapter: postgresql
port: 5432
encoding: unicode
database: ddcrn2lgphjk9k
pool: 5
username: qqpckkahytovwv
password: "njeP6cMA8EjM9ukHk9s3ReOdy7"
Reference in a new issue