refactor api and fix bugs ()

* fix weird double-embed issue

* fix users/current api if not logged in

* turbocharge the api

* fix docs
This commit is contained in:
Devin Howard 2017-03-09 11:24:52 -08:00 committed by Connor Turland
parent 780e66632b
commit e544d6a6db
4 changed files with 33 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Api
module V2
class UsersController < RestfulController
def current
raise Pundit::NotAuthorizedError if current_user.nil?
@user = current_user
authorize @user
show # delegate to the normal show function

View file

@ -13,50 +13,49 @@ module Api
@embeds ||= (scope[:embeds] || []).select { |e| self.class.embeddable.keys.include?(e) }
# self.embeddable might look like this:
# creator: { attr: :first_creator, serializer: UserSerializer }
# contributors: { serializer: UserSerializer}
# This method will remove the :attr key if the underlying attribute name
# is different than the name provided in the final json output. All other keys
# in the hash will be passed to the ActiveModel::Serializer `attribute` method
# directly (e.g. serializer in the examples will be passed).
# This setup means if you passed this self.embeddable config and sent no
# ?embed= query param with your API request, you would get the regular attributes
# plus creator_id and contributor_ids. If you passed ?embed=creator,contributors
# then instead of an id and an array of ids, you would get a serialized user
# (the first_creator) and an array of serialized users (the contributors).
# Here's an example object that could be passed in self.embeddable: {
# creator: {
# serializer: UserSerializer,
# },
# collaborators: {
# serializer: UserSerializer
# },
# topic: {},
# synapses: {}
# }
# The key has to be in embeddable or it won't show in the response, and the serializer is
# only needed if the key doesn't match a serializer
def self.embed_dat
embeddable.each_pair do |key, opts|
attr = opts.delete(:attr) || key
if attr.to_s.pluralize == attr.to_s
opts.merge(unless: -> { embeds.include?(key) })) do
Pundit.policy_scope(scope[:current_user], object.send(attr))&.map(&:id) || []
is_plural = key.to_s.pluralize == key.to_s
id_key = key.to_s.singularize + (is_plural ? '_ids' : '_id')
serializer = opts.delete(:serializer) || "Api::V2::#{key.to_s.singularize.camelize}Serializer".constantize
if is_plural
attribute(id_key.to_sym, opts.merge(unless: -> { embeds.include?(key) })) do
Pundit.policy_scope(scope[:current_user], object.send(key))&.map(&:id) || []
has_many(attr, opts.merge(if: -> { embeds.include?(key) })) do
list = Pundit.policy_scope(scope[:current_user], object.send(attr)) || []
child_serializer = "Api::V2::#{attr.to_s.singularize.camelize}Serializer".constantize
has_many(key, opts.merge(if: -> { embeds.include?(key) })) do
list = Pundit.policy_scope(scope[:current_user], object.send(key)) || []
resource =
each_serializer: child_serializer,
each_serializer: serializer,
scope: scope.merge(embeds: [])
# resource.as_json will return e.g. { users: [ ... ] } for collaborators
# since we can't get the :users key, convert to an array and use .first.second to get the needed values
id_opts = opts.merge(key: "#{key}_id")
id_opts.merge(unless: -> { embeds.include?(key) }))
attribute(key, opts.merge(if: -> { embeds.include?(key) })) do |serializer|
object = serializer.object.send(key)
child_serializer = "Api::V2::#{}Serializer".constantize
attribute(id_key.to_sym, opts.merge(unless: -> { embeds.include?(key) }))
attribute(key, opts.merge(if: -> { embeds.include?(key) })) do |parent_serializer|
object = parent_serializer.object.send(key)
next nil if object.nil?
resource =
serializer: child_serializer,
serializer: serializer,
scope: scope.merge(embeds: [])

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Api
def self.embeddable
user: {},
source: {},
source: { serializer: MapSerializer },
topics: {},
synapses: {},
mappings: {},

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Api
def self.embeddable
user: {},
updated_by: {},
updated_by: { serializer: UserSerializer },
map: {}