* feature/more.events
* keep mapping.user as the creator
* cleanup cruft and include slack notifs
* capture topic and synapse updates, store the old values
* avoid the mapping gets deleted problem
* include an indicator of which values changed
* style cleanup
* remove the hack in favor of a legit way
* updated schema file
* reorder authentication to be: token, then oauth, then cookie
* all APIs but tokens are accessible anonymously (so add mappings to the list)
* fix mapping order
* make map methods use ActiveRecord relations so they don't error on pundit
* test for logged out maps GET api
* open up GET routes on maps/topics/synapses and update api docs
* my_tokens endpoint moved to normal index
* remove secured_by from metacodes/users
* ch ch ch changes
* mess with template
* fix securedBy
* convenience open
* gross authentication notes at the top of every endpoint
* better ordering
* move login tutorials into security tab
* oauth tutorial
* getting closer
* remove unneeded Endpoints header
* ok looks OK
* add starred to maps API and endpoint to create/delete
* add token to requests without token param
* add minor version number to api version
* metacode/user use uri in schema
* make code climate happier
* update Gemfile to rails 5 and ruby 2.3.0
* fiddle with javascripts and add sprockets manifest file
* update config directory for rails 5
* fix some errors with controllers/serializers
* fix travis and rspec
* new serializers renamed to serializers
* module Api::V1
* reusable embedding code
* add index/collections/paging. overriding most of snorlax now |:)
* raml api documentation + rspec tests to verify schemas/examples
* add sorting by ?sort and searching by ?q. Add pagination Link headers
* api v1 => v2
* fill out synapse api
* alphabetize map policy
* fix page thing
* fill out maps api
* formParameters => properties, and fiddle with map api
* more raml 1.0 stuff i'm learning about
* deprecate v1 api
* rails 5 uses ApplicationRecord class for app-wide model config
* Update topic spec for api v2
* workaround for user_preference.rb issue
* get ready for token api docs. also TODO is mapping api docs
* spec out mapping api
* map/mapping/synapse spec, plus other bugs
* awesome, token specs/apis are done
* add sanity checks to the api tests
* more cleanup
* devise fix
* fix starred map error