2016-12-15 08:38:29 -05:00

130 lines
4.9 KiB

import Active from '../Active'
import Filter from '../Filter'
import { InfoBox } from '../Map'
import Map from './Map'
import MapCollection from './MapCollection'
import Message from './Message'
import MessageCollection from './MessageCollection'
import Mapper from './Mapper'
import MapperCollection from './MapperCollection'
import Metacode from './Metacode'
import MetacodeCollection from './MetacodeCollection'
import Topic from './Topic'
import TopicCollection from './TopicCollection'
import Synapse from './Synapse'
import SynapseCollection from './SynapseCollection'
import Mapping from './Mapping'
import MappingCollection from './MappingCollection'
const DataModel = {
Map: Map,
MapCollection: MapCollection,
Message: Message,
MessageCollection: MessageCollection,
Mapper: Mapper,
MapperCollection: MapperCollection,
Metacode: Metacode,
MetacodeCollection: MetacodeCollection,
Topic: Topic,
TopicCollection: TopicCollection,
Synapse: Synapse,
SynapseCollection: SynapseCollection,
Mapping: Mapping,
MappingCollection: MappingCollection,
Collaborators: new MapperCollection(),
Creators: new MapperCollection(),
Events: [],
Mappers: new MapperCollection(),
Mappings: new MappingCollection(),
Maps: {
Mine: [],
Shared: [],
Starred: [],
Mapper: {
models: [],
mapperId: null
Featured: [],
Active: []
Messages: [],
Metacodes: new MetacodeCollection(),
Stars: [],
Synapses: new SynapseCollection(),
Topics: new TopicCollection(),
init: function(serverData) {
var self = DataModel
// workaround circular import problem
if (!self.MapCollection.model) self.MapCollection.model = Map
self.synapseIconUrl = serverData['synapse16.png']
if (serverData.ActiveMap) Active.Map = new Map(serverData.ActiveMap)
if (serverData.ActiveMapper) Active.Mapper = new Mapper(serverData.ActiveMapper)
if (serverData.ActiveTopic) Active.Topic = new Topic(serverData.ActiveTopic)
if (serverData.Collaborators) self.Collaborators = new MapperCollection(serverData.Collaborators)
if (serverData.Creators) self.Creators = new MapperCollection(serverData.Creators)
if (serverData.Events) self.Events = serverData.Events
if (serverData.Mappers) self.Mappers = new MapperCollection(serverData.Mappers)
if (serverData.Mappings) self.Mappings = new MappingCollection(serverData.Mappings)
if (serverData.Messages) self.Messages = serverData.Messages
if (serverData.Metacodes) self.Metacodes = new MetacodeCollection(serverData.Metacodes)
if (serverData.Stars) self.Stars = serverData.Stars
if (serverData.Synapses) self.Synapses = new SynapseCollection(serverData.Synapses)
if (serverData.Topics) self.Topics = new TopicCollection(serverData.Topics)
// initialize global backbone models and collections
var myCollection = serverData.Mine ? serverData.Mine : []
var sharedCollection = serverData.Shared ? serverData.Shared : []
var starredCollection = serverData.Starred ? serverData.Starred : []
var mapperCollection = []
var mapperOptionsObj = { id: 'mapper', sortBy: 'updated_at' }
if (self.Maps.Mapper.mapperId) {
mapperCollection = serverData.Mapper.models
mapperOptionsObj.mapperId =
var featuredCollection = serverData.Featured ? serverData.Featured : []
var activeCollection = serverData.Active ? serverData.Active : []
self.Maps.Mine = new MapCollection(myCollection, { id: 'mine', sortBy: 'updated_at' })
self.Maps.Shared = new MapCollection(sharedCollection, { id: 'shared', sortBy: 'updated_at' })
self.Maps.Starred = new MapCollection(starredCollection, { id: 'starred', sortBy: 'updated_at' })
// 'Mapper' refers to another mapper
self.Maps.Mapper = new MapCollection(mapperCollection, mapperOptionsObj)
self.Maps.Featured = new MapCollection(featuredCollection, { id: 'featured', sortBy: 'updated_at' })
self.Maps.Active = new MapCollection(activeCollection, { id: 'active', sortBy: 'updated_at' })
attachCollectionEvents: function() {
DataModel.Topics.on('add remove', function(topic) {
DataModel.Synapses.on('add remove', function(synapse) {
DataModel.Mappings.on('add remove', function(mapping) {
// Note: Topics, Metacodes, Synapses, Mappers, Mappings, Collaborators, Creators are not exported
// You can access them by importing DataModel
export { Map, MapCollection, Mapper, MapperCollection, Mapping, MappingCollection, Message, MessageCollection, Metacode, MetacodeCollection, Synapse, SynapseCollection, Topic, TopicCollection }
export default DataModel