Glenn Y. Rolland 62440829f0
Some checks reported errors
continuous-integration/drone/push Build encountered an error
doc: add link to issue tracker
2023-12-25 19:57:27 +01:00

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Bulk Barrage

Bulk Barrage is a command-line tool that enables users to report spam emails to the SignalSpam platform <signal-spam.fr>.

This tool serves as a bridge between individual users and the SignalSpam service, facilitating the process of submitting spam for official investigation and action.


Bulk Barrage is a community-driven project developed independently from SignalSpam. It offers a convenient way for users to report spam emails directly from any email-piping capable mail client by leveraging the HTML forms on SignalSpam's web platform. The project is currently in beta but is mature enough for daily use.


To use the project:

  • An account on SignalSpam.

To build the project from source:

  • GNU Make,
  • CrystalLang and Shards.


To install Bulk Barrage, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that CrystalLang is installed on your system.

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-repo/bulkbarrage.git
    cd bulkbarrage
  3. Use the Makefile to build the project:

    make build


Bulk Barrage can be used in a few simple steps:

Usage: bulkbarrage [options] [command]

  configure        Initialize the configuration
  report           Process and report spam email (default: from STDIN)

  -h, --help       Show this help

Reporting spam from command-line

To report a spam email, you can use the report command:

cat spam_email.eml | bulkbarrage report

Reporting spam from Mutt (or Neomutt)

Add the following code in your ~/.muttrc configuration file.

macro index,pager \ez "<enter-command>set pipe_decode=no\n<pipe-entry>bulkbarrage report\n<enter-command>set pipe_decode=yes\n<delete-message>" "Report a spam using Bulk Barrage"


After installation, run bulkbarrage configure to set up your user configuration, which may include credentials or preferences for interacting with the SignalSpam platform.

Issue Reporting

Issues can be reported on Bulk Barrage's Issue Tracker.


This project is licensed under the LGPL-3.0-or-later.

Acknowledgments and thanks

  • SignalSpam for their efforts in combating spam.
  • The CrystalLang community for support and resources.


For alternative solutions or more information on SignalSpam, you can refer to: