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5 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Glenn Y. Rolland 1b188c8cfd It compiles ! 2016-08-07 17:02:57 +02:00
Glenn Y. Rolland 1089f6cd49 Evolve to mutlipod management. 2016-08-07 01:00:26 +02:00
Glenn Y. Rolland 2be6ac9930 Up. 2016-08-01 15:15:17 +02:00
Glenn Y. Rolland 8b78ee07f3 Implement Entity context. 2016-07-29 14:10:46 +02:00
Glenn Y. Rolland bf46fb7789 Added target correction. 2016-07-29 13:24:59 +02:00
3 changed files with 643 additions and 0 deletions

code-busters/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
let module Vector = struct
type t = {
x : int;
y : int
let to_string dst : string =
(Printf.sprintf "{ x = %d ; y = %d }" dst.x dst.y)
let create x y =
{ x ; y }
let equal dst src =
(dst.x = src.x) && (dst.y = src.y)
let diff dst src =
{ x = (dst.x - src.x) ;
y = (dst.y - src.y)
let mult src a =
{ x = src.x * a ;
y = src.y * a
let add dst src =
{ x = (src.x + dst.x) ;
y = (src.y + dst.y)
let distance (dst:t) (src:t) =
(src.x - dst.x) * (src.x - dst.x) + (src.y - dst.y) * (src.y - dst.y)
|> float_of_int
|> sqrt
|> int_of_float
let is_capturable dst src = (distance dst src) < 220
let is_near dst src =
(distance dst src) < (checkpoint_ray * 2)
let is_far dst src =
((distance dst src) >= checkpoint_ray * 6)
end in
let module EntityCtx = struct
type buster_state_t =
| Idle
| Carrying of int
type entity_t = {
id : int ;
pos : Vector.t ;
pos_old : Vector.t ;
type ghost_t = {
entity : entity_t ;
hunters : int
type buster_t = {
entity : entity_t ;
state : buster_state_t ;
team : int
type t =
| Buster of buster_t
| Ghost of ghost_t
let create entitytype entityid x y state value =
let create_entity entityid x y = {
id = entityid ;
pos = Vector.create x y ;
pos_old = Vector.create x y
} in
let create_ghost entity value = { entity ; hunters = value } in
let create_buster entity state value =
let state = match state with
| 0 -> Idle
| _ -> Carrying value
entity ;
state ;
team = entitytype
(* common properties *)
let entity = create_entity entityid x y in
match entitytype with
| -1 -> Ghost (create_ghost entity value)
| _ -> Buster (create_buster entity state value)
end in
(* entityid: buster id or ghost id *)
(* y: position of this buster / ghost *)
(* entitytype: the team id if it is a buster, -1 if it is a ghost. *)
(* state: For busters: 0=idle, 1=carrying a ghost. *)
(* value: For busters: Ghost id being carried. For ghosts: number of busters attempting to trap this ghost. *)
let parse_entity () =
let line = input_line stdin in
let parse_fn = (fun entityid x y entitytype state value ->
EntityCtx.create entitytype entityid x y state value)
Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d %d %d %d %d" parse_fn
(* Send your busters out into the fog to trap ghosts and bring them home! *)
let bustersperplayer = int_of_string (input_line stdin) in (* the amount of busters you control *)
let ghostcount = int_of_string (input_line stdin) in (* the amount of ghosts on the map *)
let myteamid = int_of_string (input_line stdin) in (* if this is 0, your base is on the top left of the map, if it is one, on the bottom right *)
(* initialize buster ctx array *)
(* game loop *)
while true do
let entities = int_of_string (input_line stdin) in (* the number of busters and ghosts visible to you *)
for i = 0 to entities - 1 do
let entity = parse_entity () in
ignore entity ;
(* in buster id asc order *)
for i = 0 to bustersperplayer - 1 do
Printf.printf "MOVE 8000 4500\n%!" ; (* MOVE x y | BUST id | RELEASE *)

coders-strike-back/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
let open Printf in
let debug = fprintf stderr in
let checkpoint_ray = 600 in
let module Vector = struct
type t = {
x : int;
y : int
let to_string dst : string =
(Printf.sprintf "{ x = %d ; y = %d }" dst.x dst.y)
let create x y = { x ; y }
let equal dst src = (dst.x = src.x) && (dst.y = src.y)
let diff dst src =
{ x = (dst.x - src.x) ;
y = (dst.y - src.y)
let mult src a =
{ x = src.x * a ;
y = src.y * a
let add dst src =
{ x = (src.x + dst.x) ;
y = (src.y + dst.y)
let distance (dst:t) (src:t) =
(src.x - dst.x) * (src.x - dst.x) + (src.y - dst.y) * (src.y - dst.y)
|> float_of_int
|> sqrt
|> int_of_float
let is_touching dst src =
(distance dst src) < (checkpoint_ray / 2)
let is_near dst src =
(distance dst src) < (checkpoint_ray * 2)
let is_far dst src =
((distance dst src) >= checkpoint_ray * 6)
end in
let module Pod = struct
type t = {
pos : Vector.t ;
dir : Vector.t ;
end in
let module CheckpointList = struct
type t = {
mem: Vector.t list ;
cur: Vector.t option
let add ck_li elem =
match ck_li.cur with
| None ->
mem = [] ;
cur = Some elem
| Some cur_elem ->
if (Vector.equal cur_elem elem) then
mem = cur_elem :: ck_li.mem ;
cur = Some elem
let create () =
{ mem = [] ;
cur = None
let inc (ck_li:t) elem =
|> (fun cur -> (Vector.equal elem cur))
|> List.fold_left (fun acc elem -> acc || elem) false
end in
let parse_line1 () =
let line = input_line stdin in
let build_results_fn = (
fun x y checkpointx checkpointy checkpointdist checkpointangle ->
(Vector.create x y),
(Vector.create checkpointx checkpointy),
) in
Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d %d %d %d %d" build_results_fn
let parse_line2 () =
let line = input_line stdin in
let build_results_fn = (
fun opponentx opponenty ->
(Vector.create opponentx opponenty)
) in
Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d" build_results_fn
let map_center = Vector.create (16000 / 2) (9000 / 2) in
let first_turn = ref true in
let old_pod = ref (Vector.create 0 0) in
let tick = ref 0 in
let checkpoint_list = ref (CheckpointList.create ()) in
(* game loop *)
while true do
(* nextcheckpointdist: distance to the next checkpoint *)
(* nextcheckpointangle: angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint *)
let pod, checkpoint, checkpoint_dist, checkpoint_angle = parse_line1 () in
let opponent = parse_line2 () in
if !first_turn then begin
old_pod := pod ;
first_turn := false
end ;
let movement = Vector.diff pod !old_pod in
if ( !checkpoint_list checkpoint) then begin
prerr_endline "List already includes this checkpoint" ;
end else begin
checkpoint_list := (CheckpointList.add !checkpoint_list checkpoint) ;
fprintf stderr "New checkpoint : %s\n%!" (Vector.to_string checkpoint);
end ;
(* output "x y thrust" : the target position + the power *)
let is_aligned = checkpoint_angle > -2 && checkpoint_angle < 2 in
let is_near_aligned =
(checkpoint_angle > -15 && checkpoint_angle <= -2) ||
(checkpoint_angle >= 2 && checkpoint_angle < 15)
let is_wide_aligned =
(checkpoint_angle > -45 && checkpoint_angle <= -15) ||
(checkpoint_angle >= 15 && checkpoint_angle < 45)
let is_aside =
(checkpoint_angle > -85 && checkpoint_angle <= -45) ||
(checkpoint_angle >= 45 && checkpoint_angle < 85)
let is_behind = checkpoint_angle >= 85 || checkpoint_angle <= -85 in
let use_boost = (!tick > 100) && is_aligned && (Vector.is_far pod checkpoint) in
debug "angle = %d\n%!" checkpoint_angle ;
let thrust =
(* droit devant *)
if is_behind && (Vector.is_touching pod opponent) then 20
else if is_aside && (Vector.is_touching pod opponent) then 20
else if is_behind then 6
else if is_aside && (Vector.is_near checkpoint pod) then 10
else if is_wide_aligned && (Vector.is_near checkpoint pod) then 20
else if is_near_aligned && (Vector.is_near checkpoint pod) then 40
else 100
let power_str = match use_boost with
| false -> string_of_int thrust
| true -> "BOOST"
let target =
Vector.mult movement (-3)
|> Vector.add checkpoint
printf "%d %d %s\n%!" target.x target.y power_str ;
tick := !tick + 1 ;
old_pod := pod ;

coders-strike-back/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
let open Printf in
let debug = fprintf stderr in
let checkpoint_ray = 600 in
let module Vector = struct
type t = {
x : int;
y : int
let to_string dst : string =
(Printf.sprintf "{ x = %d ; y = %d }" dst.x dst.y)
let create x y =
{ x ; y }
let equal dst src =
(dst.x = src.x) && (dst.y = src.y)
let diff dst src =
{ x = (dst.x - src.x) ;
y = (dst.y - src.y)
let mult src a =
{ x = src.x * a ;
y = src.y * a
let add dst src =
{ x = (src.x + dst.x) ;
y = (src.y + dst.y)
let distance (dst:t) (src:t) =
(src.x - dst.x) * (src.x - dst.x) + (src.y - dst.y) * (src.y - dst.y)
|> float_of_int
|> sqrt
|> int_of_float
let is_touching dst src =
(distance dst src) < (checkpoint_ray / 2)
let is_near dst src =
(distance dst src) < (checkpoint_ray * 2)
let is_far dst src =
((distance dst src) >= checkpoint_ray * 6)
end in
let module Pod = struct
type orientation_t =
| Behind
| Aside
| WideAligned
| NearAligned
| Aligned
type distance_t =
| Touching
| Near
| Anywhere
| Far
type t = {
mutable id : int ;
mutable pos : Vector.t ;
mutable old_pos : Vector.t ;
mutable dir : Vector.t ;
mutable has_boost : bool ;
mutable checkpoint_pos : Vector.t ;
mutable checkpoint_dist : int ;
mutable checkpoint_angle : int ;
mutable output_str : string
let create () =
id = 0 ;
pos = Vector.create 0 0 ;
old_pos = Vector.create 0 0 ;
dir = Vector.create 0 0 ;
has_boost = true ;
checkpoint_pos = Vector.create 0 0 ;
checkpoint_dist = 0 ;
checkpoint_angle = 0 ;
output_str = ""
let use_boost pod =
pod.has_boost <- false
let update pod (pos, checkpoint_pos, checkpoint_dist, checkpoint_angle) =
pod.pos <- pos ;
pod.checkpoint_pos <- checkpoint_pos ;
pod.checkpoint_dist <- checkpoint_dist ;
pod.checkpoint_angle <- checkpoint_angle ;
let movement pod =
Vector.diff pod.pos pod.old_pos
let is_aligned pod =
pod.checkpoint_angle > -2 &&
pod.checkpoint_angle < 2
let is_near_aligned pod =
(pod.checkpoint_angle > -15 && pod.checkpoint_angle <= -2) ||
(pod.checkpoint_angle >= 2 && pod.checkpoint_angle < 15)
let is_wide_aligned pod =
(pod.checkpoint_angle > -45 && pod.checkpoint_angle <= -15) ||
(pod.checkpoint_angle >= 15 && pod.checkpoint_angle < 45)
let is_aside pod =
(pod.checkpoint_angle > -85 && pod.checkpoint_angle <= -45) ||
(pod.checkpoint_angle >= 45 && pod.checkpoint_angle < 85)
let is_behind pod =
pod.checkpoint_angle >= 85 || pod.checkpoint_angle <= -85
let is_checkpoint_far pod =
Vector.is_far pod.pos pod.checkpoint_pos
let target_orientation pod =
if is_aligned pod then Aligned
else if is_near_aligned pod then NearAligned
else if is_wide_aligned pod then WideAligned
else if is_aside pod then Aside
else Behind
let target_distance pod =
let dist = Vector.distance pod.pos pod.checkpoint_pos in
if dist <= (checkpoint_ray) then Touching
else if dist <= (checkpoint_ray * 3) then Near
else if dist > (checkpoint_ray * 2 * 3) then Far
else Anywhere
end in
let module CheckpointList = struct
type t = {
mem: Vector.t list ;
cur: Vector.t option
let add ck_li elem =
match ck_li.cur with
| None ->
mem = [] ;
cur = Some elem
| Some cur_elem ->
if (Vector.equal cur_elem elem) then
mem = cur_elem :: ck_li.mem ;
cur = Some elem
let create () =
{ mem = [] ;
cur = None
let inc (ck_li:t) elem =
|> (fun cur -> (Vector.equal elem cur))
|> List.fold_left (fun acc elem -> acc || elem) false
end in
let module Game = struct
type t = {
pods : Pod.t array ;
opponents : Pod.t array ;
mutable turn : int ;
let create () =
pods = Array.make 2 (Pod.create ()) ;
opponents = Array.make 2 (Pod.create ()) ;
turn = 0
let is_first_turn game = game.turn < 2
let save_pods game =
(* old_pod := pod ; *)
ignore game
let tick game =
game.turn <- game.turn + 1
end in
let module Strategy = struct
let apply game pod =
if Game.is_first_turn game then begin
Game.save_pods game ;
end ;
let movement = Pod.movement in
if ( !checkpoint_list checkpoint) then begin
prerr_endline "List already includes this checkpoint" ;
end else begin
checkpoint_list := (CheckpointList.add !checkpoint_list checkpoint) ;
fprintf stderr "New checkpoint : %s\n%!" (Vector.to_string checkpoint);
end ;
let use_boost =
(game.turn > 100) &&
(Pod.is_aligned pod) &&
(Pod.is_checkpoint_far pod)
let thrust =
(* droit devant *)
match (Pod.target_orientation pod, Pod.target_distance pod) with
(* | (Behind, TouchingOpponent) -> 20
| (Aside, TouchingOpponent) -> 20 *)
| (Behind, _) -> 6
| (Aside, Near) -> 10
| (WideAligned, Near) -> 20
| (NearAligned, Near) -> 40
| (_, _) -> 100
let power_str = match use_boost with
| false -> string_of_int thrust
| true -> "BOOST"
let target =
Vector.mult (Pod.movement pod) (-3)
|> Vector.add pod.checkpoint_pos
printf "%d %d %s\n%!" target.x target.y power_str ;
end in
let parse_pod_line () =
let line = input_line stdin in
let build_results_fn = (
fun x y checkpointx checkpointy checkpointdist checkpointangle ->
(Vector.create x y),
(Vector.create checkpointx checkpointy),
) in
Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d %d %d %d %d" build_results_fn
let map_center = Vector.create (16000 / 2) (9000 / 2) in
let first_turn = ref true in
let old_pod = ref (Vector.create 0 0) in
let tick = ref 0 in
let checkpoint_list = ref (CheckpointList.create ()) in
(* laps : le nombre de tours à effectuer pour finir la course. *)
let parse_init () =
let laps =
let line = input_line stdin in
Scanf.sscanf line "%d" (fun x -> x)
let checkpoint_count =
let line = input_line stdin in
Scanf.sscanf line "%d" (fun x -> x)
let parse_checkpoint () =
let line = input_line stdin in
Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d" (fun x y ->
Vector.create x y
for i = 1 to checkpoint_count do
let checkpoint = parse_checkpoint () in
checkpoint_list := CheckpointList.add !checkpoint_list checkpoint ;
let game = Game.create () in
(* game loop *)
while true do
(* read pod1 line & update game data *)
parse_pod_line () |> Pod.update game.pods.(0) |> ignore ;
parse_pod_line () |> Pod.update game.pods.(1) |> ignore ;
parse_pod_line () |> Pod.update game.opponents.(0) |> ignore ;
parse_pod_line () |> Pod.update game.opponents.(1) |> ignore ;
for i = 0 to 1 do
(* |> Strategy.apply *)
|> (fun (pod : Pod.t) -> pod.output_str)
|> print_endline
done ;
Game.tick game ;