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# vagrant-lxc
Highly experimental, soon to come, Linux Containers support for the unreleased
Vagrant 1.1.
Please refer to the [closed issues](
to find out whats currently supported.
Please keep in mind that although I'm already using this on my laptop, this is
"almost alpha" software and things might go wrong.
## Dependencies
LXC, `bsdtar` packages and a Kernel [higher than 3.5.0-17.28](#im-unable-to-restart-containers),
which on Ubuntu 12.10 means:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install lxc bsdtar
## What is currently supported?
* Vagrant's `up`, `halt`, `reload`, `destroy`, and `ssh` commands
* Shared folders
* Provisioners
* Setting container's host name
* Host-only / private networking
## Current limitations
* Ruby >= 1.9.3 only, patches for 1.8.7 are welcome
* A hell lot of `sudo`s
* Only a [single ubuntu box supported](boxes), I'm still [figuring out what should go
on the .box file](
* "[works]( on [my machine](" (TM)
* + bunch of other [core features](
and some known [bugs](
## Usage
For now you'll need to install the gem from sources:
git clone git:// --recurse
cd vagrant-lxc
bundle install
bundle exec rake install
Since Vagrant 1.1 has not been released yet and to avoid messing up with you
current Vagrant installation, I've vendored Vagrant's sources from the master
and made it available from [`vagrant-lxc`](bin/vagrant-lxc). So after installing
`vagrant-lxc`, create a `Vagrantfile` like the one below and run
`vagrant-lxc up --provider=lxc`:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "lxc-quantal64"
config.vm.box_url = ''
# Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
# using a specific IP.
# :private_network, ip: ""
# Share an additional folder to the guest Container. The first argument
# is the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
# the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
# argument is a set of non-required options.
config.vm.synced_folder "/tmp", "/host_tmp"
config.vm.provider :lxc do |lxc|
# Same as 'customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]' for VirtualBox
lxc.start_opts << 'lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes=400M'
# Limits swap size
lxc.start_opts << 'lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes=500M'
# ... your puppet / chef / shell provisioner configs here ...
If you don't trust me and believe that it will mess up with your current Vagrant
installation and / or are afraid that something might go wrong with your machine,
fire up the [same Vagrant VirtualBox machine I'm using for development](#using-virtualbox-for-development)
to try things out and do the same as above. That might also get you up and running
if you are working on a mac or windows host ;)
## Development
If you know what you'll be doing and want to develop from your physical machine,
just sing that same old song:
git clone git:// --recurse
cd vagrant-lxc
bundle install
bundle exec rake # to run all specs
To rebuild and add the new quantal64 box:
bundle exec rake boxes:quantal64:build
vagrant-lxc box add quantal64 boxes/output/
### Using VirtualBox for development
I've also prepared a Vagrant 1.0 VirtualBox machine for development that you can
get up and running with the [`setup-vagrant-dev-box`](setup-vagrant-dev-box)
script. Feel free to use it :)
cp Vagrantfile
vagrant ssh
## Protips
If you want to find out more about what's going on under the hood on vagrant,
prepend `VAGRANT_LOG=debug` to your `vagrant-lxc` commands. For `lxc-start`s
debugging set `LXC_START_LOG_FILE`:
LXC_START_LOG_FILE=/tmp/lxc-start.log VAGRANT_LOG=debug vagrant-lxc up
This will output A LOT of information on your terminal and some useful information
about `lxc-start` to `/tmp/lxc-start.log`.
Debugging whats going on with the container itself is a pain, there are some
nice little scripts on the [/dev](dev) folder of the project.
## Help!
### I've accidentaly ran `vagrant-lxc` on a Vagrant 1.0 project and I can't use it anymore
That happened to me before so here's how to recover:
rm -rf .vagrant
mv .vagrant.v1* .vagrant
### I'm unable to restart containers!
It happened to me quite a few times in the past and it seems that it is related
to a bug on linux kernel, so make sure you are using a bug-free kernel
(>= 3.5.0-17.28). More information can be found on:
Sometimes the Virtual Box dev machine I'm using is not able to `lxc-start`
containers anymore. Most of the times it was an issue with the [arguments](
[I provided](
to it. If you run into that, rollback your changes and try to `vagrant reload`
the dev box. If it still doesn't work, please file a bug at the issue tracker
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request