2013-02-25 09:49:48 -03:00

954 B


Highly experimental, soon to come, Linux Containers support for Vagrant 1.1


Please keep in mind that this is not even alpha software and things might go wrong. Although I'm brave enough to use it on my physical machine, its recommended that you try it out on the Vagrant dev box ;)


On your host:

vagrant ssh

On the guest machine:

mkdir /tmp/vagrant-lxc
cp /vagrant/config.yml.sample /tmp/vagrant-lxc/config.yml
cd /tmp/vagrant-lxc
/vagrant/lib/provider up
/vagrant/lib/provider ssh


If your container / dev box start acting weird, run vagrant reload to see if things get back to normal.

In case vagrant reload doesn't work, restore the VirtualBox snapshot that was created automagically right after ./setup-vagrant-dev-box finished by running the same script again and selecting the [r]estore snapshot option when asked.