2018-03-08 12:09:23 -05:00

2.1 KiB

Make sure you have nodemon and node-sass installed $ npm install -g nodemon node-sass

Run the following at the same time, in two terminals

$ API=http://localhost:3001 nodemon server.js
$ node-sass -w sass/application.scss public/css/application.css

To run the server as a daemon that will be re-run if it crashes, you can use the forever node package.

$ npm install -g forever
$ forever start server.js

Run the metamaps api in another terminal using $ rails s -p 3001


  • Get the Import lightbox working, and not conflicting on screen

  • Handling CSRF

  • Fix images referenced in the JS

  • Figure out how authentication of requests from the frontend to the API works

  • Figure out how to combine the nodejs realtime server into server.js

  • Notifications: make sure loading states are working for popup and page

  • Request unreadNotificationCount

  • Request invite code

  • Request user object itself

  • Load the metacodes

  • move ImportDialog lightbox into main app

  • create topic form

  • Fork map lightbox / component

  • create synapse form

  • replace old loader with react loader

  • ensure exports of maps work

  • Notifications: make sure notifications either look nice, or redirect

  • Notifications: pagination

  • Get actioncable working

  • lightboxes

  • About lightbox

  • Switch Metacodes lightbox / component

  • break up index.html into parts

  • Handle CSS metacode colors

  • Fix Request An Invite page

  • Make 'new map' action work

  • Modify the remaining rails templates into JSX templates

    • notifications list
    • notification page
    • list metacodes
    • new metacode
    • edit metacode
    • list metacode_sets
    • new metacode set
    • edit metacode set
    • authorized apps
    • registered apps
    • authorize
    • user passwords
  • Modify the RubyOnRails app to only serve JSON responses, no HTML pages anymore

  • Modify the frontend to request that data from the API which is necessary at first to load the page

    • Load the metacode sets