• v0.1.9 78c040b099

    glenux released this 2023-10-25 14:25:20 +00:00 | 69 commits to develop since this release

    This is the very first alpha release of Minimalist FUSE Manager. Much of the feature set is already there, much is missing.

    There will be bugs and issues! Please use the issue tracker on the repository (and make sure you're not reporting a duplicate issue).


    7f6c927 ci: add build badge
    f53f2b2 Merge tag 'v0.1.1' into develop
    d4c0c8f Merge branch 'release/v0.1.1'
    5169d05 ci: fix package basename
    57ac8be Merge tag 'v0.1.0' into develop
    3d08966 Merge branch 'release/v0.1.0'
    bf79376 ci: fix binary name
    7e82343 ci: add missing libyaml-dev and libpcre3-dev
    2af34b3 ci: add missing libevent
    306ddb2 ci: add drone file
    522c10f fix: add SPDX headers
    86791c8 doc: add demo output & fix text of README
    8c60fee doc: add asciinema demo recording as lfs
    e661b9b doc: add example for httpdirfs
    6452861 feat: add support for more filesystems
    cef669e fix: improve fzf error handling
    67cd9ae feat: add support for sshfs
    002db70 refactor: remove all mentions of vaults, make it generic for fs
    cc458b3 Update README.md
    154d8a3 fix: update generated lockfile
    294231c fix: rename to mfm and fix close
    8def197 feat: add basic support for command line
    d49a3d1 refactor: clean up & add module
    d19602f Add README
    97212b2 Initial import
